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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Artemisia has been banned! (updated Nov 2023)

Updated: Apr 6


Gary: This article may appear to be messy. It is because YouTube has taken down, or blocked my videos and the original that was stored on Onedrive (Microsoft) has disappeared entirely. I'm appalled and frustrated that we cannot openly discuss these issues of massive importance without being subjected to not just censorship but also what amounts to intimidation!

I have only just become aware that the videos in this article have been blocked by YouTube, which is a scandalous assault on free speech. So I'm republishing this important article and its videos. It's important because it indicates that the authorities knew that antimalarials such as Ivermectin, HCQ and Artemisia provided some protection against COVID-19, and this was undoubtedly known while the medical experts and health bureaucrats were pretending to run about like headless chooks, claiming everything was a huge mystery.

There was some prior knowledge of what was already effective against this manmade bioweapon and they had to suppress these remedies, so as to clear the way for the emergency authorisation of the new and untested mRNA drugs. mRNA vaccines are a class of drugs that, for at least 20 years, have never been able to pass animal safety tests.

Up to 90% of New Zealanders, perhaps more, have now been injected with this gene-altering poison with the consequence that New Zealand is now being brought to its knees by an avalanche of ill health.


In 2016, I predicted that the herb Artemisia would be removed from the shelves by Government health officials to make way for high-value patented and copyrighted versions produced and sold by Big Pharma.

Here is the video (watch it before they take it down again):

Sorry - it's now gone completely!


Here is an earlier video that I made about Artemisia about ten years ago:

We did not know how this would happen, but they found a solution. On the 18th of May 2020, under cover of the day when natural health practitioners were preoccupied with re-opening for the first time since New Zealand's first COVID-19 Lockdown, Medsafe announced that all artemisia products were now classed as being a "medicine" and could only be prescribed by a registered medical practitioner. This is effectively a ban on the herb.

And this is an interesting coincidence with the ban:

And, by coincidence, this article appeared in the Herald, a Government funded news outlet:

This is a huge blow to the natural health industry and to the freedom of the consumer to choose their healthcare other than one that is locked into drugs-based symptoms-chasing treatments.

Artemisia, an ancient Chinese herbal remedy, has been used as a health-promoting tonic for around 5,000 years. Despite the claims of Medsafe, artemisia is an extremely safe product when used correctly. There was absolutely no reason for this ban. But it clears the way to replace a $40/month herbal treatment with patent versions that may cost thousands of dollars per month for the same thing. And guess who pays? You and I via our tax dollars to pay for a healthcare system that is now so expensive that it threatens to bankrupt our country!

Please watch this video below before proceeding (this is scandalous, and watch it before it is taken down).

Please read the Medsafe reports here before proceeding:

  1. Medsafe's original concerns were about an artemisia-based product called "Arthrem". This is what they said in 2018: "To date, all the reports of harm to the liver have involved patients taking Arthrem specifically. Since the chemical composition of the Artemesia annua extract is not disclosed it is not clear if other products containing Artemisia annua extract have similar effects." Despite this statement, they have gone for all artemisia-based products, not just Arthrem.

  2. Here is their report submitting their case for artemisia to be classified as a medicine: And read this report as well:

My observations about Medsafe's reporting

  1. Twenty-five cases of liver harm associated with Arthrem were reported and all recovered. That is 25 cases out of hundreds of thousands of prescriptions of Arthrem over several years. That could be considered a good safety record as compared to drugs such as NSAIDs which are prescribed for pain and inflammation:

  2. 12 of the 25 cases consumed more than one other substance, some multiple drugs, including NSAIDs known as hepatotoxic.

  3. Of all 25 cases, we do not know how many had commenced taking Arthrem during or soon after surgery for conditions like hip arthritis. Surgery typically involves hepatotoxic drugs such as general anaesthesia, intravenous pain medications and antibiotics. Did these people have compromised livers before taking Arthrem?

  4. When a patient takes one or more drugs known to be hepatotoxic, it is standard practice to have regular liver function tests. Were these tests being conducted, and what did they indicate? We need to have this kind of detail when assessing the safety of a medication for an individual or the safety of an herbal product such as Arthrem.

  5. We do not know how much artemisia each person was taking daily. Was it the recommended dose, or were these cases taking more than recommended? This is a very important piece of information that we need to know when assessing the safety of this product.

  6. The Artemisia product in question is Arthrem only. Was the problem to do with the combination of artemisia plus grapeseed oil?

  7. While it may have been justified to take Arthrem and other artemisia-based products off the consumer shelves, there is no justification for removing it from the dispensaries of qualified and highly experienced natural health practitioners who are better trained than allopathic doctors in safely and effectively dispensing herbal remedies.


This is a drug from Merck Pharmaceutical; the patent expired in 1996, although it was extended in some countries for a while. Ivermectin is now commercially available. What is Ivermectin?

“Ivermectin is a Nobel prize winning generic drug on the WHO's Essential Drugs list. Endorsed by FLCCC (authors of MATH+ protocol) for prophylaxis, mild, moderate, severe (ICU) COVID-19. And anecdotally, for a subset of long haulers. Originally used as anti-parasitic (worms, river blindness), now recognized as broad anti-viral, anti-bacterial, with potential as chemotherapy adjuvant for cancer. Used over 40 years (3.7B doses), has been considered for mass administration for malaria by the WHO”. (Copy from al-jareeza site).

Ivermectin has suffered a similar fate to other artemisia products.

Please read this article about Ivermectin:

What can you do to protect your health freedoms?

  1. Write or speak to your Member of Parliament and express your concerns.

  2. Join this organisation and donate:

  3. Subscribe to this organisation as well (numbers count):

  4. Support the Democracy Project:

  5. Share this article wide and far and encourage as many people as possible to get in behind the Democracy Project (more to come about this soon).


Further Reading

Dr Mercola nicely summarises the use of artemisia as traditional therapy for diseases like malaria and now COVID19. I do not doubt that the motivation behind banning this herb is because it is not a good strategy to launch the next billion-dollar-earning drug onto the market, selling for thousands of dollars for a course of treatment when the herbal equivalent can be brought for between $1.50 and $30.

Please read these articles about how to escape from our COVID19 Prison:

And these:

4,802 views5 comments


Gary Moller
Gary Moller

Sarah, I think it presently applies to all. Across the board!



First class blog item.


Sarah Chane-Tune
Sarah Chane-Tune

Very informative article and video, thanks Gary. I'm wondering... Artemisia is a genus that have about 200 species. Do you know if the ban applies on the whole genus or just the species that have been used for the drugs? Are we still allowed to buy the seeds and grow at home? ;)


Gary Moller
Gary Moller

Glenn, I have been prescribing various artemisia products, including Arthrem for about 15 years and doing so almost daily. I have never seen an adverse event other than the occasional tummy upset which is easily alleviated but taking it with a large meal for example. My conclusion is it is very safe when taken sensibly.



This is heavy handed and unprecedented. Who are Medsafe protecting? Considering promising reports on its efficacy in treating Malaria, certain arthritic conditions and now COVID-19 and the low toxicity of Artemisia I would say it is pharmaceutical companies profits that are being made safe.

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