(Updated: 07/02/22)
(this is an opinion piece that benefits from a lifetime of study and experience. It is not an attempt at diagnosis or treatment)

We have heard lately about apparently very fit young men suffering severe heart inflammation, including death following either catching COVID-19 or, more often, from having the mRNA vaccine. I am aware of one very fit young man who may require a heart transplant following the jab. They tell us these are rare medical mysteries, but they are far from being mysteries. Are they rare because hardly any get reported?

Please read this article:
and this one:
Heart issues aside, the younger a person is, the lower their risk of harm from COVID-19. For example, in New Zealand, the average age of death from COVID is about 82 years, while worldwide statistics show youngsters are very unlikely to die. How come?
The younger a person is, the lower their risk of harm from COVID-19.
Why do these patterns exist?
Let me explain.
Firstly, read these two science abstracts:
(Read the last couple of sentences of each abstract if you can't be bothered wading through the lot).
"Glutathione (GSH) plays a central role in coordinating the synergism between different lipid- and aqueous-phase antioxidants. We documented 1) how exogenous GSH and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) may affect exhaustive exercise-induced changes in tissue GSH status, lipid peroxides [thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARS)], and endurance and 2) the relative role of endogenous GSH in the circumvention of exercise-induced oxidative stress by using GSH-deficient [L-buthionine-(S,R)-sulfoximine (BSO)-treated] rats. Intraperitoneal injection of GSH remarkably increased plasma GSH; exogenous GSH per se was an ineffective delivery agent of GSH to tissues. Repeated administration of GSH (1 time/day for 3 days) increased blood and kidney total GSH [TGSH; GSH+oxidized GSH (GSSG)]. Neither GSH nor NAC influenced endurance to exhaustion. NAC decreased exercise-induced GSH oxidation in the lung and blood. BSO decreased TGSH pools in the liver, lung, blood, and plasma by approximately 50% and in skeletal muscle and heart by 80-90%. Compared with control, resting GSH-deficient rats had lower GSSG in the liver, red gastrocnemius muscle, heart, and blood; similar GSSG/TGSH ratios in the liver, heart, lung, blood, and plasma; higher GSSG/TGSH ratios in the skeletal muscle; and more TBARS in skeletal muscle, heart, and plasma. In contrast to control, exhaustive exercise of GSH-deficient rats did not decrease TGSH in the liver, muscle, or heart or increase TGSH of plasma; GSSG of muscle, blood, or plasma; or TBARS of plasma or muscle. GSH-deficient rats had approximately 50% reduced endurance, which suggests a critical role of endogenous GSH in the circumvention of exercise-induced oxidative stress and as a determinant of exercise performance."
"The novel COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the world’s population differently: mostly in the presence of conditions such as aging, diabetes and hypertension the virus triggers a lethal cytokine storm and patients die from acute respiratory distress syndrome, whereas in many cases the disease has a mild or even asymptomatic progression. A common denominator in all conditions associated with COVID-19 appears to be the impaired redox homeostasis responsible for reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation; therefore, levels of glutathione (GSH), the key anti-oxidant guardian in all tissues, could be critical in extinguishing the exacerbated inflammation that triggers organ failure in COVID-19. The present review provides a biochemical investigation of the mechanisms leading to deadly inflammation in severe COVID-19, counterbalanced by GSH. The pathways competing for GSH are described to illustrate the events concurring to cause a depletion of endogenous GSH stocks. Drawing on evidence from literature that demonstrates the reduced levels of GSH in the main conditions clinically associated with severe disease, we highlight the relevance of restoring GSH levels in the attempt to protect the most vulnerable subjects from severe symptoms of COVID-19. Finally, we discuss the current data about the feasibility of increasing GSH levels, which could be used to prevent and subdue the disease."
Please read this article:
Glutathione protects you from exercise-induced exhaustion and inflammation; it protects you from diseases such as COVID-19 and, presumably, vaccine-induced inflammation.
But, wait; there's more:
"... glutathione, helps resist the toxic stresses of everyday life -- but its levels decline with age and this sets the stage for a wide range of age-related health problems."
This finding has massive implications for COVID-19: it might be the reason why the infection has hardly any impact on young people but may be deadly for the elderly, while catastrophic for a few young men! A cynic's clue that NAC is beneficial in protecting from and treating COVID-19 infection is recent moves by the authorities to ban or restrict the availability of the amino acid, N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) which replenishes cellular glutathione:
Exercise depletes nutrient reserves
Challenging and exhausting exercise depletes Zinc, selenium, vitamin C, glutathione and other nutrients. These nutrients and many more are essential for a healthy immune system and good health in general.
Men (and women) who work out hard in the gym or run long distances while eating nutrient-poor diets dressed as "Athlete Nutrition" risk chronically depleting their glutathione stores. In addition, what drains glutathione reserves depletes other essential immune-supporting nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium and Zinc. There would be barely a single Kiwi with adequate stores of Zinc and selenium. Depending on where you draw the line, 80-90% of Kiwis are too low in Vitamin D.
Selenium is given to racehorses to counter post-exercise inflammation. Selenium protects DNA. So why don't we do the same for the "human" racehorses?
Another essential immune-supporting mineral, Zinc, is depleted quickly by exercise because of its role in tissue healing, such as recovery from post-exercise muscle soreness. In addition, Zinc plays a role in testosterone production and growth, so it may be consumed during the growth spurt of puberty and may take years to recover if depleted. Testosterone and the dramatic growth spurt of puberty and beyond may help explain the difference between men and women regarding heart inflammation.
Vitamin D is essential for immune health. People who live primarily indoors and work out in gyms may be severely vitamin D deficient. Unless a person's torso is regularly exposed to direct sunlight, they will be low in vitamin D. Depending on where you draw the line, 80-90% of Kiwis lack vitamin D. A fit young man can be deficient in D. Most are unless they are a beach lifeguard during Summer and consume foods like liver and cod liver oil during Winter.
Finally, viruses and other pathogens thrive in a high sugar environment. Sugar drives inflammation. Athletes may have carb/sugar-soaked diets.
Why the heart?
It is simple to explain: the heart is arguably the most active muscle in the body and never gets a break. Therefore, it will faithfully serve its owner non-stop for 110 years. Thus, by default, if nutrients are in short supply or depleted by, say, running all day over a mountain range, it is hardly any surprise that glutathione and other minerals in the heart may become critically low. Therefore, the heart of a very fit young man may be highly vulnerable to inflammation.
So, what do we do about it?
Ensure young men have a nutrient-dense and anti-oxidant-rich whole foods diet.
Move young men more to a "Ketogenic Diet" and away from sugar.
Supplement Vitamin D, Selenium, Zinc, NAC and other nutrients.
Ensure balance in a training programme with adequate recovery; this may include getting a better coach.
Do not vaccinate if a young man is exhausted, ill, injured or otherwise in anything less than excellent health: wait a while!
Do not vaccinate a man when he is going through puberty and during his growth spurt.
Finishing Remarks
In conclusion, this is my take on why young men are vulnerable to virus and vaccine-induced heart inflammation.
Most of what I have written about here points the way to how we can better protect our elderly from this virus: we must do the same for young people as well - optimise their Vitamin D, give supplementary NAC and so on (I'll devote an article to how to protect the elderly and immune-compromised soon).
Please share this article wide and far - make it a viral super-spreader! Also, encourage people to sign up for my blog updates. Thank you!
We have the products referred to in this article, such as zinc, vitamin D and NAC. Purchasing off us enables me to write and inform. If you like what I write, help me keep going by purchasing off me and not the big operators that do not provide this kind of support. Drop me an email and tell me what you are after and I'll help sort out the best package for you.
Hi Gary,
Just wanted to say thanks and it was a interesting read and loving the articles.
Cheers Kevin
There is another factor that also helps explain the death of "young, fit" people from Covid.
"...If the officials investigated each case of Covid death and assembled the data properly, they would find strong correlations between circumstances of infection - the viral load via aerosols - and the severity of the illness that followed...
"...I hold that "mysterious" deaths of younger and fitter people are partly from the phenomenon Gary identifies, that they can run themselves down with all the exercise and being unaware of the need to address deficiencies that are building up; BUT their circumstantial evidence would also tell us a lot. Such people tend to disproportionately be in urban environments where they live in a small…