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  • Writer's pictureGary Moller

Why are a disproportionate number of Polynesians dying from COVID-19 in California?

Updated: Feb 23

People with masks

It has been reported that the COVID-19 death rate for Polynesians is twelve times higher than the white population of California. No explanation is given as to why this is the case. Here is the report:

This report will help explain, although not completely, why our Polynesian brothers and sisters have such disproportionately high mortality rates:

"..he estimated that normal vitamin D levels increase the odds of having a mild clinical outcome by approximately 19.6 times."

And this comprehensive Irish report really hammers home the importance of optimal vitamin D levels for a robust immune system:

Sunsmart: pretty dumb if you ask me!

Here in NZ, we need to revise the ill-considered Sunsmart Programme. This programme is racially discriminative. It has done nothing to reduce overall cancer rates and deaths. The only beneficiaries of this programme are fair-skinned people like me who have the "Curse of the Celtic Gene" and those who manufacture and sell sunscreen lotions.

Sunlight gives good health: sunburn causes skin cancer - a very important distinction that is conveniently ignored by people who should know better!

It makes no allowance for the fact that rates of sun-related skin cancers are extremely low to non-existent among Maori and Pacific people. By inadvertently promoting extreme vitamin D deficiency among these Maori and Pacific people and others with darker skin, we are increasing their health risks for at least 30 forms of cancer, including melanoma, as well as diseases including depression, cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoporosis, dementia, autoimmune conditions, diabetes, depression and more. Vitamin D plays a role in all of these conditions.

We can blame poor dietary and lifestyle choices as well, for some people but that's too easy. Let's not add to the problem with ill-conceived public health programmes.

This video is relevant to this issue - vitamin D deficiency.


Please read these articles about how to escape from our COVID19 Prison:

And these:

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