This is Connor, a farmhand from up North. Connor, his sister, Sarah, and his mates got in their cars and joined last Tuesday's freedom convoy to Wellington, and they've been here ever since. Connor had only the clothes he was wearing and his phone is now lost in the mud. He's now wearing our youngest son's clothes.
Connor tells me God called them. You see, they lost their best mate, a fit young man not long ago. He was in intensive care within 3hrs of his final jab and is now dead. This is a story Alofa and I have heard too many times since October. We were called at 4 am on Sunday to come down to the Freedom Village because Connor was going down with hypothermia. Once at our home he was okay after several hours, showered, had a good sleep, and a feed of bacon and eggs. Then he was back in the front lines.
Read this and watch the live feed: https://www.garymoller.com/post/parliament-s-freedom-gathering-is-being-battered-please-help
Connor tells us he is prepared to die for his people. These young men and women, some here with their babies, are not going to leave until the Government acts with decency and rolls back these mandates. It is no longer the virus: it is a battle for our freedoms. Like Connor, Alofa and I are sick to death of being treated like Leppers just because we reduce to inject a drug that we do not need and which may damage our genetic code. Mallard's response is to turn on the water sprinklers to blast the people with loud music while a public emergency is evolving. Earlier, somebody ordered the police to attack the peaceful gathering which, like the sprinklers and the music, were public relations disasters for the instigators. I had two Drs come by 7 am on Sunday: they had driven all the way from Northland to lend medical support at the Freedom Village if needed. Other than to say, 'Hi!", they dropped off a big bag of the most delicious avocados, a gift from a mutual friend. People are so kind and generous! There are makeshift medical facilities that were erected on the grounds of Parliament, next to the Hari Krishna tent. If you still cannot understand why Alofa and I are so emotional to the point of tears, just talk to Connor and the thousands more - yes, there are thousands and thousands of casualties in NZ including as many as 2,000 deaths, but they are being ignored, and there are more to come. This is a national disaster! The government's own statistics support this claim. I'll write more about this soon. Just one point:
People keep quoting me the official science to justify these mandates and vaccines. I'm so over the official science which is all lies anyway: Be humane and open your eyes to what is going down in front of you. You do not need science and statistics to know what you can see with your own eyes - so long as you open them, then look!
Neither do Connor and his mates need the science. The memory of their mate whose life was cut so short for the sake of injecting a drug he had no need for is all they need in order to know what is the right thing to do.
Just in:
#CanadaHasFallen The gloves are off! Tessa LenaFeb 15
Two quick comments on the quickly developing situation in Canada. One, here is a cold-blooded preview of the World Economic Forum’s “new normal” where your assets can be seized of frozen just because they say so, the sweet branding of “living in a democratic society” and “freedom to protest” be damned. (To that effect, please also see my Mercola article from a few months ago about Omarova’s proposal on restructuring the financial system here in the U.S. It has a clause allowing for a seizure of accounts by the state in case of “emergency.” Here is the PDF.) Greg Price @greg_price11 This is literal madness. Canada's Deputy Prime Minister says, under the Emergencies Act, banks ca…
Gary what you and your wife are doing is just the best. I thank you both from the bottom of my heart. People like you both are just what this country is really all about, not what this evil dictator has tried to turn us all into. I wish I was able to join you all in Wellington, but at this time can't due to a back injury.
Oh yes, Gary, the love and compassion and deep spiritual bond of these thousands of precious human beings, so diverse, and deeply united by the grief and suffering imposed upon them by these wicked mandates, has made the perpetrators appear as ants in comparison...no, indeed, even the humble ant is far, far more honorable!
Time will consign these perpetrators throughout the world to oblivion, no matter what the outcome in the near future. They will not prevail. We have all felt the power of true human love and compassion through deep, deep tragedy, across the whole world, all at the same time...an unprecedented global attack by greed and malevolent ambition that has stupidly underestimated the power and intelligence of t…
Gary if you get a chance read this link and be uplifted.
Tragically in reality our entire Judicial in NZ is at the mercy of Parliamentary whim until Sect 5 of NZBOR is amended. However, any effective legal recourse in NZ is going to take until well into March 2022. Common sense tells me then that we need precedents from overseas to jolt any sense into us here. March is far too long to wait given the current rate of clot-shot butchery.
Our lifeline surely must come from overseas precedents that highlight the absolute idiocy of not banning all clot-shots immediately. This would hopefully then be complemented with the ICC tribunal, under the Rome Statute that NZ signed and ratified,…
may you both have the strength to continue the wonderful work you are doing- all this brings me to tears
love and blessings