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Is our knowledge of genetics too primitive to edit human DNA with safety?

Writer's picture: Guy HatchardGuy Hatchard

Updated: Mar 26, 2024

This looks more like a Roulette Machine than a centrifuge! Are we playing Roulette with our future existence?

My friend, Guy Hatchard, is on a roll, and for good reasons: It appears that sinister forces have declared war on humanity, and New Zealand is at the front lines of this assault on not just our freedom, our sanity but also on our genes, be that intended or not. We have everything to lose. So, I am deeply thankful to people like Guy. They have the bravery to stand up for humanity and the knowledge and understanding to counter the Tsunami of lies and misinformation that inundates us daily.

Guy is now a prolific writer, and I do not have the time to republish all of his writings. So please go to his website and subscribe to his newsletter updates:



Is our knowledge of genetics too primitive to edit human DNA with safety?

By Dr Guy Hatchard, April 13, 2022

An investigation undertaken by Vanity Fair has revisited the origins of the pandemic and uncovered new findings. In mid 2021 it came to light that key genetic sequences which might shed light on the origins of the Covid virus had been deleted by NIH at the request of the Wuhan Virology Lab. Administrators at NIH then sought to hide this revelation. You can read the full article here.

If, as seems increasingly likely, both Covid and mRNA vaccines were produced by research biotechnologists, regulation has failed miserably. The conclusion is obvious, genetic experimentation on human genetic structures and deadly pathogens should be paused, period, not encouraged as is now being proposed. The ozone level was not protected from CFCs until they were banned outright.

My point in writing today is not to rehash the safety arguments around Covid origins that we have already covered several times at the Hatchard Report, but to say that there is a wide field of foundational research and exciting inter-disciplinary investigation in other fields that remains to be undertaken.

Mind/Body systems extend throughout the physiology

Physiological systems are both specific and non-specific, they are both localised and extended throughout the physiology—the whole is more than the sum of the parts. Human physiology is a system which works as a whole underpinned by genetic intelligence. Uniquely it combines biological structures and higher human consciousness.

We tend to erroneously believe that wisdom can be reduced to a series of rational choices taken much like the operation of a computer which completes yes/no binary operations so rapidly it can give the false impression of independent thought. Computers are not creative in the sense that we are, they are controlled by a limited set of instructions.

Neuroscientists (Meeks and Jeste, 2009) have proposed that in order to understand individual differences in wisdom, one also ought to consider multiple aspects of human brain physiology including its genetic structure.

For example, several genetic studies have reported that the heritability of prosocial behaviors, including altruism, is 50% to 60%. The heritability of impulsivity is approximately 45%. Complex brain processes involving multiple structures and neurological networks guide reflection, tolerance, emotions, and the ability to deal with ambiguity and uncertainty.

Your heart thinks for others as well as yourself

In April 2016 a study was published in Frontiers of Behavioural Neuroscience entitled “A Heart and A Mind: Self-distancing Facilitates the Association Between Heart Rate Variability, and Wise Reasoning” which extended these findings to include other physiological structures and communication between physiological systems. The authors found that varying heart rate (HRV) was related to balanced moral reasoning:

“HRV indicators were positively related to prevalence of wisdom-related reasoning (e.g., prevalence of recognition of limits of one’s knowledge, recognition that the world is in flux/change, consideration of others’ opinions and search for an integration of these opinions) and to balanced vs. biased attributions…”.

The research suggests that wisdom-related judgments are not exclusively an isolated function of small units of the brain. They fall into the category of large coherent systems involving both mind and body. I can’t emphasise enough how little is known about how these systems work and what key genetic structures they rely upon.

Long range coherent systems characterise human intelligence

Coherent phenomena are well known in physics. Remarkable properties result from extreme cooperation between identical atoms or molecules over extended distances. For example supercooled liquid helium undergoes a phase transition at 2.17 degrees Kelvin whereby all the helium atoms participate in a single superfluid state which is able to defy gravity and friction. Coherent structures may be associated with human consciousness.

Studies have found extended cooperative activity of neurons as a result of meditation as measured by phase coherence of EEG brain waves. This has been associated with a number of factors characteristic of higher human reasoning. These include: creativity, IQ, moral reasoning, concept learning, academic achievement, decreased neuroticism, and transcendence referred to by Freud and Romain as the ‘oceanic feeling’—being at one with the world as a whole.

In 1972 I attended a conference held at Queens University in Canada where Hans Selye, the inventor of the modern concept of stress, spoke. Dr Selye defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand placed upon it. He was talking about the intimate relationship between the generalised properties of our physiology and our psychological response to experiences. He pointed out that people who are under stress, have something overt in common, they all look ill—their whole physiology is involved with a psychological response to stress.

Our sense of Self, of being a whole person, of being protected even, is related to our whole physiology. The integrity of the physiology is maintained by homeostatic mechanisms and importantly by the immune system. The immune system is constantly in action performing more than a hundred quadrillion protective actions a day to maintain the integrity of DNA, cells, organs, and organ systems. Thus our sense of self and safety, which confers a certain conscious freedom from fear and anxiety, is dependent upon and intimately connected to the operation of the physical immune system.

Unanswered questions point to a pause in genetic experimentation

Does global cooperation between identical genetic structures in every one of the trillions of cells in the body give rise to coherent functioning of the entire physiology. Thereby supporting our stable sense of Self and higher wisdom? The Heart and Mind study points to the involvement of the whole physiology in moral human reasoning and that must also include our genetics. This leads to a number of topical questions that have not yet been investigated, let alone answered.

  • Long Covid and adverse effects of mRNA vaccination have both been associated with brain fog. As they both affect the function of the heart, could cardiac dysfunction contribute to a reduced capacity for mental acuity and emotional empathy? Mind and body are intimately connected, each affecting the other.

  • Several commentators have noted the prevalence of anxiety states, polarisation, scapegoating, and biased judgements during the pandemic among individuals, and networks of individuals and organisations. Are these due to the uncertainties of the pandemic or are there contributing physiological deficits?

  • Is the efficient functioning of our immune system integral to our sense of personal security? If either Covid infection or mRNA Covid vaccines reprogramme our genetic-based immune response to pathogens, would they interfere with the extended coherent structures that underpin our sense of well being and security?

We have no immediate experimental findings to answer these speculative neurological, psychological, and physiological questions, but we should continue to investigate the propositions. As we have few if any answers to the broad questions of genetic function, there are compelling reasons for extreme caution with medical genetic intervention. Genetic alterations are passed down generations indefinitely where the consequences of mistakes will continue to reverberate (watch Dr. Peter McCullough succinctly highlights this point here). Exclusive reliance on mRNA vaccine technology is increasingly looking like a cul de sac, and more probably a deadly trap.

Read previous Hatchard Report articles on this topic here and here

Guy Hatchard PhD was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food safety testing and certification company (now known as FoodChain ID)

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