"Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally."
Seldom do researchers use such definite language.
Here is a podcast interviewing the foremost experts in the world in the use of Ivermectin in the clinic:
If a doctor in NZ was to prescribe Ivermectin for anything other than parasitic infections, Medsafe would be knocking on their door, a "please explain" interrogation. About this time last year, it was made clear to doctors that this cheap off-patent, safe drug was not to be used as a prophylactic or treatment for COVID-19 infections. This action was part of their learning of the decks of all prevention and treatment options, other than patent vaccines.
I will say it again:
Nobody ever needed to die from COVID-19 unless they were already due to depart.
There are now several effective protective and preventive treatments available for preventing death by COVID-19. If only doctors were allowed to do their jobs without interference from those on High. I wonder why good doctors are being threatened, controlled and blocked from discussing these matters? Do you have any idea why?

By the way, did you know that most farmers will have a bottle of Ivermectin in the back of the shed? This drug is used as a drench for cattle and sheep. Refer to Roger Hubbard's comments about this below in the "Comments Section".
As is usual with Big Pharma: follow the money. There's little profit to them from off-patent drugs compared to the mRNA vaccines that they are moving to make mandatory to the whole world. The world government's Covid Response as a rule is not early treatment of Covid infection - which is logical and commonsense, as propounded by the likes of Dr Peter McCullough MD et al - but a 'treatment' (vaccination) that is like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted, if you have already been infected.
We know now that 85% and more of hospitalisation is due to lack of early intervention by the medical fraternity, with the suppression and discrediting of such treatments as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine,…
Hi Gary - I shared this post on my FB page - https://www.facebook.com/david.j.musgrave/
One of my readers asked "Where do you get it from David?" Could you please answer this for my readers? Cheers David Musgrave
Hi Gary , i was one of the first to sell Ivomec , seems like 40 yrs ago came in pour on form first for sheep and cattle , years later we got oral , man did this make things easy , was told about then that oral ivomec was used in third world countries on humans for river blindness [ caused by worms behind the eyes , vets even put 1 drop in water for birds to drink , kills mites , which they suffer from and everything else .
I the early days of this pandemic , TRUMP openly said he used a chemical to cure his covid 19 [ at the time there were 3 chem…