Rodney Hide, Member of ACT party from 1996-2011, arrived to show his support for the occupation at Parliament on Sunday 27 Feb. "I don't want to talk to the Prime Minister - there's nothing to talk about. Just end the mandates!"
Here is the full speech recorded by myself:
You know, all that is being asked of by the people camped below Parliament is to be listened to: consulted. No matter how small or large the "minority" might be, there is no democracy if there is no representation: Instead, we have the creation of an underclass of New Zealand society, plus untold harm from the remedies, including death and permanent disabilities.
For a contrasting speech from Jacinda's tutor, about what "Human" is or should be, listen to this one from our good mate, Klaus:
For more, read this: https://dailyexpose.uk/2022/03/01/the-creepiest-speech-schwab-has-ever-made/
I wonder what this person thinks of Klaus and Jacinda's 4th Industrial Revolution?

Freeville, which evolved on the grounds of Parliament, reminds us of what it means to be human.

Lest we forget.

I think we get entrenched in the idea that we need to vote for one of the available parties, when really we need to focus more energy on replacing the flawed systems completely. It's going to take time to unwind what has been done, but we've seen a slow erosion of power from the people and into the corrupt few. We generally trusted them for a long time, but we're reaching a point where they have too much power and can unleash atrocities onto an unapproving population. Our biggest challenge is to get individuals to care enough to wake up, get past their egos and see just how much trouble we're in. It's up to us to get ourselves …
Makes it sound good. Only it is based on unsound principles.
Governments are the managment of countries, not the leaders
Governments have NOT brought humanity to where it is now, it has always been individuals with ideas and passion. You could say we have got here in spite of government.
The three industiral revolutions have come about because individuals sought ideas to make life better for other individuals, given them the freedom to choose.
What he/WEF is talking about is taking the power for the government away from the individual, yet it is the individual that has brought us to where we are now.
What are the consequences of stopping the individual from developing in a natural way?
I often wonder what would happen if the National party had the guts to let Rodney enter next years elections with them. He could lead National to a win and be a good Prime Minister. Imagine the contrast Rodney as compared to Lenin's imbecile offspring, Ardern.