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Writer's picture: Gary MollerGary Moller

Updated: Mar 21, 2024

Please read the following press release then read my comments that follow.



With the decision released today in the High Court that ordering frontline police officers and Defence staff to be vaccinated or face losing their job was not a "reasonably justified" breach of the Bill of Rights, the Don’t Divide campaign, which presented a petition to Parliament recently with 87,269 signatures, is calling on the Government to ditch the ‘no jab no job’ policy immediately and allow for the use of COVID rapid antigen testing as an alternative for unvaccinated kiwis to access workplaces, schools, marae, large gatherings, and places of worship. “It’s time to give jobs and careers back to teachers, medical professionals, truck drivers, drainlayers, arborists, tennis coaches, scrap yard workers, university students, courier drivers, apprentices, bus drivers, construction workers, volunteer firefighters, office administrators, after-hours cleaners, fruit pickers, grounds maintenance workers, gardeners, volunteer driving instructors, road maintenance workers, after-hours security guards, student farm-workers, and fitness instructors.” “It's time to let kids play sports again, and for families to attend their places of worship as a community.” “We have always argued – since last November - that rapid antigen testing was a reasonable option, and what seems like just 5 minutes ago, the government has now agreed with us and set RATs as the new testing standard. It feels that only the politics has changed, but not the science.” “Let’s get the country working together again in a unified way as we battle the challenges of COVID-19. And it’s what kiwis want.” A nationwide poll released last week found 61% (almost 2 in 3) support unvaccinated employees being able to keep their jobs if they agreed to have a regular rapid antigen Covid-19 test – up from 58%. 23% were opposed – down 4%. Only 39% support an employer being able to sack an unvaccinated staff member, down from 50% in a November 2021 poll by Curia. Opposition has increased from 31% to 38%. A further 23% were unsure / refused to say.

Thank you for helping us to unite New Zealand. Kind regards.

Bob McCoskrie



I'll go several steps further:

The original VOVID had a fatality rate about the same as bad flu; whereas the variant in NZ now, Omricon, is best described as a head cold with flu-like symptoms. I've had it as have a number of my clients and, so far, no one has been confined to bed. In fact, most have barely felt ill at all.

Accept that the vaccine does not work against Omricon and it causes more harm, including death than any benefit. So, we must have an immediate end to the vaccination programme.

It is time to immediately declare the pandemic over, accept the virus is endemic, and scrap the mandates. It is time to begin the long and difficult process of healing this traumatised country and restoring Mew Zealand to its rightful place among nations: Godzone.

While doing this, we must take care to respect the rights of all New Zealanders to decide what is best for them. This includes respecting those who wish to continue protective measures social-distancing, wearing of masks, self-isolation and vaccination - if these are their choices.

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 04, 2022

I can confirm we have had Omigod last week. RATS test is +ve


Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 04, 2022

Copied: “So Leighton’s bail conditions include that he’s not allowed to speak about the covid bill coming out on April 1st. Gee what could they be so worried that you might find out? Well here’s the main points. This is proposed to take effect on 1st April. This is of grave concern for ALL New Zealanders.” The COVID-19 Public Health Response (Vaccinations) Order 2021 passed its 2nd reading Wednesday night in NZ. (it was passed early in the morning) ZERO rights for an unvaccinated person. Read this again!! This legislation will allow for: 1. The lockdown of unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated individuals. 2. The ability to restrict travel within the country to unvaccinated or insufficiently vaccinated (e.g. a perso…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 05, 2022
Replying to

Feb 25, 2022

The main problem with this idea is that it has never been about health, it has always been about instigating The Great Reset and Agenda 2030. Therefore, in order for mandates to be dropped and freedom restored, it is necessary for Jacinda to backtrack on her commitment to drive NZ as a leader in the Great Reset. As a narcissist and a graduate from Klaus Schwab's school for young leaders (as is Luxon), this is extremely difficult for her to do. That is the problem. Normal, logically thinking people have difficulty understanding this level of commitment to an earth-shattering ideal despite high levels of opposition within the populace.

Paul Scott
Paul Scott
Feb 26, 2022
Replying to

willoughbys , Yes you give us here the reality of what we are facing , and the fervour induced into and carried by by this mad woman.


Colin Maxwell
Colin Maxwell
Feb 25, 2022

Awesome news Gary!!!

Perhaps this decision in relation to the mandates is only a small slice of a much greater evolution in the NZ judicial system.

Is the real story the fact that Judges will no longer be able to gutlessly hide behind section 5 NZBOR which basically has allowed Parliament to completely disregard any of our society's most basic and fundamental human rights?

Are we finally seeing a separation of power between the 3 branches of Govt... what a thoroughly novel idea!!!

Has one of these judges read and actually digested just how far-reaching the now widely circulating NOL's could be in pointing out their complicity... also of course the likelihood of holding individuals to account for what amounts…


Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Feb 25, 2022

Here is what we are doing:

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