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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Introducing the Medical Mafia!

(Updated October, 2024)

“What alarmed me at the time was the majority of MCNZ members were aggressive in their response to all these ‘anti-vax’ doctors, calling for harsh, vindictive even, sanctions for even the most minor of cases."

Richard Aston. Former MCNZ member.

"In the view of many doctors, this suppression has created a culture where doctors are fearful of speaking out on anything contentious, and that has ongoing implications for patient informed consent. It also raises significant questions about the balance between public health policy and individual rights."



  • This article, first published two years ago and updated today, sheds light on the presence of a powerful and intimidating foreign group within the medical field in New Zealand.

  • The article highlights the experiences of doctors who faced repercussions for speaking out against vaccine adverse events. The loss of the medical careers and reputations of these doctors serves as a warning to others within the system.

  • The content raises concerns about the suppression of information and the potential dangers of following such practises. It also touches upon censorship in the health sector and the need to address these issues.

  • In the latest developments (October, 2024), a former member of the Medical Council describes what went on behind closed doors.

  • NZ First has an inquiry into NZ's COVID response.


For background, read this article:

"Covid reminds me of Monty Pythons Happy Valley and the Kings daughter Mitzi Gaynor who had a pet rabbit called Herman who she’d take for long walks and fuss over all day but who sadly was in fact dead but no-one had had the heart to tell the princess because of her innocence".

Monty Python

Jim, commenting about the Centrist article.


We have confirmation that the Mafia is present and thriving within New Zealand, strong-armed and intimidated many well-intentioned doctors:

Medical Council Letter

Comply or Die!

Doctors like Matt Shelton and Anne O'Reilly have been hung high outside the city's gates as a warning to all others to follow the rules or else they will suffer similar fates. Nowadays, anything to do with vaccine adverse events is the poison chalice for a medical career. Hence, there is silence from the doctors that remain in the system.


The doctors who remain within the medical system are either ignorant, blind, or complying out of fear that they will lose their jobs. Regardless of the circumstances, they have failed to uphold their Hippocratic Oath, which is a commitment to prioritise the well-being of their patients above everything else.

NZ First promises a wide-ranging, transparent, and independent inquiry with the power to prosecute.

I want your honest opinion on this, especially about the medical professionals who keep saying this vaccine is both safe and effective. This can put the health of their patients at risk, leading to their deaths. Please share your thoughts in the comments section.

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Maurice Blackwell
Maurice Blackwell
Nov 26, 2023

It is unbelievably disgusting that doctors kowtowed to the propaganda.

They should have been up in united arms and protest.

I can only think that the jab affected their thinking and coherant reasoning.

My two doctors promoted the jab and tried to convince me to have it and when the

disasterous effects showed up they just suddenley retired and disappeared.

Keep up the good work Gary.

I am so glad that we not only got rid of Communist labour but got adults into parliament and especially Winston who has really been unjustly maligned by a lot of people and the media.

He brings wisdom and experience to the government which is badly needed in this day and age.


Jun 17, 2023

Gary thankyou for telling it like it is.

Seeing the document from the Medical Council of NZ sent to Dr Anne O'Reilly in black and white, truly brings home the unethical, unjustifiable, discriminatory demands put upon the medical profession in our country which can no longer be described as a " democracy."

No doctor with their conscience still intact, who has sworn to do their patients no harm, can comply. Those brave doctors who are being demonized, and their careers destroyed, for remaining true to their principles, shine like lighthouses in a dark and dangerous storm.

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