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Writer's pictureGary Moller

How to Protect your Family from Measles and other viruses

Updated: Mar 11

(Updated: 23rd February, 2024)


I first published this article in November of 2019 when New Zeaalnd was caught up in a feverish fear campaign around a measles out-break affecting mostly Maori and Pacific Islands communities, including an out-break in Samoa. Please take a few minutes to read what I wrote about this out-break in Samoa:

Well, well, well, our favourite fear-mongerer and leading mis/disinformationist, Professor Michael Baker is at it again with these headlines: "Aotearoa on the brink of measles 'epidemic' - Professor Michael Baker"

(I assume he is referring to New Zealand).

While the professor goes on about vaccination, inclusiveness, tracking vaccine status, and about deprived communities, not a single word is mentioned about primary prevention to produce strong and resilient children that brush infections like measles off as the minor diseases they should always be. But, instead, when you think about it, the professor's sole solution is vaccination.

Please take a few minutes to read what I've written that follows and please leave your feedback in the comments section, thank you!


How to Protect your Family from

Measles and other viruses

With all of the feverish fear and hatred of non-vaccinated children and their parents being whipped up in New Zealand right now, due to the Measles outbreak, by professionals who should know better, several mothers have been in contact with me asking for advice about how to safely vaccinate their babies and young children.

This is a topic that I don't want to write about lest there be declared a religious fatwa upon my life.

All four of my children have had various vaccines, but each with great care to avoid potential side effects that can include lifelong autoimmune disorders, brain injury, paralysis, and even death. They had only the vaccines I thought were necessary for their good health at the time. Adverse reactions to vaccines do exist but are seldom reported so that they end up on an official database. Parents are right to be cautious to ensure the utmost safety for their precious child.

Vaccine injuries do happen, but they're difficult to report most times. Here's an example of the kind of catastrophe that can happen and how those in charge largely ignore the link with vaccines:

(I have left this image below so you can see for yourself how Big Pahrma's buddies in Big Tech censor us)

Whether you decide to vaccinate your child for measles or not, here's what you can do to improve your child's resistance to the ravages of diseases like measles:

Make sure your child has generous stores of vitamin A, vitamin C, Zinc, and Selenium

It can take several months and probably years to build up internal stores of the fat-soluble vitamins, and minerals such as selenium and zinc. These nutrients are stored in organs such as the liver and bones. In a healthy person with adequate stores there should be sufficient in reserve to survive a poor diet for several years, supporting a strong immune system.

The modern diet is woefully lacking in just about every nutrient other than sugar. This is especially so for the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E & K). The best sources of these vital nutrients are liver and egg yolk. Selenium and zinc are also lacking in modern diets and almost non-existent in New Zealand soils. From all of the testing I have done over the years, there's hardly a single New Zealander who isn't lacking selenium and zinc (both are potent immune-boosters). Children are by far the most deficient in these nutrients, and this reflects their poor diets (instant noodles, rice wafers, nutrient-depleted chicken, baby food, squeezies, etc).

The safest and most effective way to get these nutrients into the body and into tissue storage is to dribble them in via foods and supplements every day at a rate that is a little higher than the estimated daily need. It is not safe to mega-dose with these vitamins and minerals unless under supervision such as during a medical emergency.

All of these nutrients are immune-boosters and are particularly protective against yeast, viral, and fungal infections. Low levels of these nutrients may result in vaccine failure or short-lived immunity. They'll reduce the severity of symptoms if infected, such that they'll be mild rather than life-threatening.

Good nutrition does not prevent diseases such as measles. Good nutrition reduces the symptoms. A very healthy person may contract and get over an infection without even realising it, or the symptoms may be mild.

High-dose vitamin C, for example, has been shown to revive the brain-dead following the Swine Flu:

Watch this video, which will blow your mind and it should leave you outraged:

What I can tell you is a source within Auckland Hospital told me that no patient will ever get vitamin C treatment in that hospital ever again! This is absurd and so unprofessional!

Vitamin A for treating measles in children

If a nasty virus is doing the rounds, vaccinated or not, there's a good case of giving your children a teaspoon of cod liver oil each day while the risk is heightened. Here's the evidence:

"Measles is a leading cause of childhood morbidity and mortality. Vitamin A deficiency is a recognised risk factor for severe measles. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends administration of an oral dose of 200,000 IU (or 100,000 IU in infants) of vitamin A per day for two days to children with measles in areas where vitamin A deficiency may be present."

But it's best to dribble a little of these nutrients, like vitamin A into the body year-round, rather than go for the Big Hits.

Whether vaccinated or not, or if intending to be vaccinated in the future, it is important to have optimum intakes of immune-boosting nutrients, such as vitamin C and Vitamin A, all year round.

As a parent, you want to put all the cards in your favour:

  • A strong immune system improves the immune response to a vaccination, and it'll last longer.

  • A strong immune system means the risk of an adverse event from a vaccine may be less.

Where to get these immune-boosting nutrients for your child

Unless your child is going to eat eggs and drink silver top full-cream milk daily, and lambs fry at least once a week. You'll need to resort to supplementation. If your child is eating these foods, please still supplement (nothing I recommend here is "megadosing", I always recommend small amounts often and over the long term).

Here's what I recommend:

  1. Daily C: Naturopathsown Daily C - 200g (a delicious drink containing vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, and other nutrients) One teaspoon per day, half that for under two years old.

  2. Children's Chewable Multivitamin: (a tasty source, or multi-nutrients for children, including vitamin A) One tablet per day or half that for under two years old.

If breastfeeding, the mother can take these herself, but at twice the dose so she'll deliver the nutrients via her breast milk. She can also eat liver and eggs and deliver their rich nutrients via her milk. Here: Nutrition for Healthy Breast Milk


How bad is the current measles outbreak and who is most at risk?

Keep it in perspective, folks: what are the real risks of mortality?

Vaccinations may be a wonderful medical tool, but they aren't the solution for all that ails society. They are but one tool in the fight against diseases. Our most effective tool is our very own immune system. Poverty, overcrowding, poor hygiene, lack of clean water and good food all impact on our immune health as well as exposure to pathogens such as viruses and bacteria.

Please read this article, which puts measles today into perspective:

Measles is a disease that's associated with poverty, crowded living, stress, poor access to medical services, and a diet that consists of Coca-Cola, white bread, and little else. The same demographics apply to diseases such as tooth decay, diabetes, kidney disease, hepatitis, obesity, and meningococcal disease. Correcting these factors must be the number one priority to protect the health of future generations of New Zealanders.

Look at the following charts from ESR:

Measles cases by ethnicity
Maori and Pacific people are extremely over-represented in measles cases. They are equally over-represented in measures of poverty. This is not a coincidence.

Measles cases by region
District Health Regions with high Maori and Pacific populations tend to be concentrated in regions that are the epicentres for measles. These regions are also epicentres for poverty.

Immunisation status of confirmed measles cases
Vaccine failure is not uncommon (a number of the "unknown" include people who were either fully or partially vaccinated).

What are the chances of your child contracting measles right now? Getting things into perspective

Number of confirmed cases of measles
There are now 5 million people in New Zealand. There have been 1681 cases of measles in NZ for the entire year. If your child is not living in areas such as Manukau then the risk of catching the disease is extremely low. They are even lower if your child does not go to daily childcare. If your child is well-nourished and not living in poverty then the chances of getting measles and the consequences, if contracted, are minor.

You can read the full ESR report here:

I don't have a problem with some vaccines to prevent life-threatening diseases

  • But I do have a problem with the pressure to blanket vaccinate wee children and infants for every disease under the sun while ignoring the environmental, nutritional, and social factors that make what should be minor conditions more virulent and destructive.

  • I do have a problem with the blanket denial that vaccines do have some safety issues and are sometimes less than effective. I have personally dealt with several cases of absolute vaccine disasters. They're more common than most people would like to think.

  • I do have a problem with the combining of multiple vaccines into a single dose for the convenience of the parents and doctors. Vaccines should be singular with a delay of about three months or longer before the next one. This is just pure commonsense. The human immune system never evolved for such a full-on assault, all at once, by multiple pathogens and chemicals. Clumping a whole lot of vaccines together for the sake of convenience is a repulsive practise. If enough people ask for single vaccines, sure it'll be refused, but if enough keep asking, surely things will change. Lumping a whole lot together for convenience is unacceptable.

  • I do have a problem with vaccinating a child when they're immune-stressed, such as when teething, transitioning from the breast to solids, or when she has a sore throat or ear infection.

  • I do have a problem with health experts who omit to tell parents how to minimise the risks of adverse reactions such as seizures from vaccinations and how to reduce the symptoms of diseases such as measles, if they get it, by simple measures such as making sure their child has excellent year-round levels of vitamin A and vitamin C.

  • I have a really big problem with the doctors and health officials who deliberately whip up mass fear and ostracism to coerce the few remaining cautious parents to submit their child to a medical procedure that has a degree of risk and which they may not need at the time. If they lack the reasoning and if the facts aren't enough to convince a few intelligent and inquiring people to vaccinate their child, then they have a huge problem with credibility. They have built a house of cards for themselves by resorting to bully-boy tactics. The current jackboot tactics being employed to enforce vaccination against measles leaves me with nothing but contempt for the perpetrators.

When I was a child growing up in Putaruru during the '50s and '60s every child caught measles. It meant some time off school at home with the curtains drawn to avoid bright sunlight on our eyes. I can not recall a single serious case out of what amounted to over 700 children. Can you, if you are around my age? The main difference between then and now is every child had a half-pint of full-cream milk each school day, our mothers fed us lamb's fry each week and our Grandmothers poured a teaspoon of foul cod liver oil down our throats with each visit!


For further in-depth reading, as well as the Pubmed research on measles:


  2. Measles and Measles Vaccines: 14 Things To Consider Posted on: Wednesday, October 8th 2014 at 3:30 p Written By: Roman Bystrianyk There are facts regarding the history of measles that rarely reach the light of day. Here are 14 things you may not have been told by public health officials, your doctor, or the media. For over 100 years, there has been a strong association with vitamin A deficiency and adverse measles outcomes, especially in young children. Has the time come for the medical community to recognise that any child presenting with measles complications should be given vitamin A and evaluated for overall nutritional status? If not, what has history taught us?" - Adrianne Bendich, 1992 Read the article here:

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