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Writer's pictureGary Moller

How Dementia in the President Poses a Threat to the Survival of Mankind

(Updated: 1st September, 2024)

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Making the right decision - quickly - an essential requirement for a leader!


Having more than 50 years of fulltime experience in the healthcare field, which includes employment in a public hospital and a psychiatric facility with a focus on rehabilitation, I have witnessed numerous instances of cognitive decline (dementia), affecting individuals of various ages. Dementia is not just about old age. Many people live to an advanced age and still have excellent mental health, but many do not. We might include the President of the United States, Joe Biden, in this latter group. Having reached my early eighth decade, and in good health, I am now in a position to offer insights on matters related to advanced age.

Does having a COVID mRNA Vaccine Accelerate the Onset of Dementia?

I think it does, and the evidence exists to support this opinion:

The mechanism could be as simple as anything that increases systemic inflammation, including in the central nervous system.

The spike protein generated by COVID mRNA is highly inflammatory. As a result, it acts as a mechanism that accelerates cognitive decline and the progression of most other diseases linked to ageing.

In response to the US Presidential debate a few days ago, Dr John Campbell produced a video about dementia awareness. Dr Campbell's presentation will help individuals, or their loved ones, to recognise the condition early in its progression — early enough to halt its progress. I will then explain why I fear the President of the United States of America's cognitive decline is a threat to mankind's existence.

Dr Campbell was careful not to talk directly about the President, and not to make a diagnosis. But he was describing the signs and symptoms that are clearly there in the President for everyone to see. So, what are the implications of cognitive decline affecting the most powerful person in the world — the President of the United States? I'll now give my take. I'll not go into how to prevent or manage dementia — that's a topic for a series of articles.

Please note:

Dementia is a tragic condition for both the affected individuals and their families. However, it's preventable. Unfortunately, current allopathic prevention and treatment strategies that are common in all levels of healthcare are mostly useless. They often start too late and focus on managing symptoms instead of addressing the underlying causes. At the end of this article, you'll find links to a few related articles that I've written, and I'll write more on this topic when time permits.

Short and Long-Term Memory

While I am not an expert on the physiology of memory, I have a basic and practical understanding.

As a person's brain health declines, they may become more emotional and rely more on old memories and stories, which they may repeat often. However, short-term memory, including recent plans and the ability to multitask, may get worse and new habits, ideas or views may be harder to form. This can lead to a boring routine (Groundhog Day) and too much focus on the good old days, and stubbornness, as seen in President Joe Biden, who often repeats old stories.

The person who is affected by this phenomena has a strong recollection of past events. However, these recollections may have strayed far from the actual occurrences. The narrator, who in this scenario is the President of the United States, may genuinely believe that the exaggerated version is true. This memory is preserved through constant retelling, which strengthens the neural pathways in the brain. To make a short-term memory last, you must repeat it many times over days and weeks. Otherwise, it will quickly disappear. As dementia sets in, the ability to commit anything to long-term memory may be impossible.

It is a sneaky condition!

An individual's impressive capacity to remember past facts and stories despite their advancing age can easily deceive everyone. However, it's their short-term memory, mental agility, and willingness to tackle fresh challenges that truly reflect their brain's well-being.

View the following two videos of President Joe Biden, recorded just one day apart.

In the first, the presidential debate, he fumbles and mumbles; then in the second, the following day, he is on fire — well! Look and see what I mean. Then I will give my take on why there is such a contrast in performance:

President Biden practiced for a week, but the debate still required mental gymnastics. A debate can be as hard or as simple as putting together a few ideas in a few sentences, and then ending with a statement that summarised the discussion. He was unable to do this with any consistency. At times, he became completely lost in what he was saying.

On the contrary, he displayed a great deal of verbal energy the following day. The main difference is that at the rally, President Biden used well-known stories and phrases that he said many times in speeches. During the debate, he had to respond on the spot. His speeches are deeply ingrained. Unlike debates, campaign rallies require little short-term mental exertion and do not require remembering recent questions, remarks or engaging in mental gymnastics.

A threat to global peace and security

As the President's brain declines, he more and more relies on memories of the Soviet Union and the Cold War. He thinks Russians are always bad and aggressive — the sworn enemy of the Free World. He perceives Putin as a dangerous, murderous dictator who must be stopped at all costs. He maintains a belief that America's unmatched global hegemony since the Soviet Union's fall continues. Challenging these beliefs is met with hostility, as rational debate seems beyond his capacity, exhibiting signs of the "Angry Old Man" syndrome. Rather than fostering unity and compromise, there's hostility and division. A President's role should be to bring a nation together, not drive it apart, along with the rest of the world.

As shown in the video above, the President cannot talk about things in a way that makes sense and is not willing to compromise. This means there are no diplomatic solutions. This lack of diplomacy is evident in the intricate and delicate realm of geopolitics, including America's proxy conflict with Russia and the strained relations between China and the USA — among other volatile situations. The prevailing trend seems to be escalating tensions without diplomatic efforts. We are on the brink of World War Three.

The following interview between Dr Naomi Wolfe and Dr Kelly Victory is worth watching. Dr Victory is an expert in emergency medicine and disaster preparedness at The Wellness Company. She explains that in the Spring of 2020, she diagnosed President Biden with Alzheimer's. His condition has only deteriorated, and she explains what dangers this represents for him and for the rest of us.

Diplomacy requires an agile brain

Diplomacy, a key quality that the President clearly lacks, is a complex, non-confrontational way to handle international relations and domestic affairs. It goes beyond just being polite, which the President sometimes lacks, and requires a deep understanding of the different issues at hand. A leader of the Free World must be able to handle different opinions with grace and respect. They should not try to force their own ideas on others, but rather find common ground for the benefit of all involved parties.

Tact is a key component of diplomacy, as it involves the skilful management of delicate situations and sensitive topics. A diplomatic leader with an agile brain exercises empathy with polite assertiveness. He knows when to speak and when to listen, when to assert their position and when to yield for the greater good. This ability to strike a balance between assertiveness and flexibility is what sets a diplomatic leader apart from others.

Diplomacy requires the capacity to consider and appreciate diverse and conflicting perspectives (empathy). A diplomatic President understands that there are often multiple sides to a story and that each viewpoint is valid in its own right. By accepting and respecting these different views, the President can create a friendly environment, which can lead to constructive, win-win negotiations, and peaceful progress for everyone. Instead, we have more of the same — aggressive escalation and throwing even more billions of dollars at simplistic solutions that are clearly inappropriate and failing terribly. It's a terrifying version of Groundhog Day!

Ultimately, diplomacy is about seeking honourable compromises that benefit all parties involved. It isn't about repeating tired buzz words, reminiscing about the good old days, and winning at all costs, but rather about finding mutually agreeable solutions that uphold the values of fairness, respect, and cooperation in an ever-changing world. A diplomatic leader leads by example, demonstrating integrity and empathy in their interactions with others, and inspiring trust and confidence in their ability to navigate complex issues with wisdom, foresight, and gentlemanly honour.

The threat of nuclear annihilation hangs over humanity

This angry man's hand hovers over the Big Red Button, which is terrifying to think about. We're the closest we've ever been to nuclear annihilation and the only thing America's likeable Uncle Joe can do is escalate tensions while he reminisces about the Good Old Days!

Please take a few minutes to listen to this terrifying discussion and pass this onto everyone you know. We must push back from this crazy advance into nuclear annihilation.

Main Stream Media (MSM) is asleep at the wheel, demonstrating its own and unique form of cognitive decline and impairment. Instead of the MSM, I follow various independent media to keep up with and to better understand geopolitics. For example, I respect this wise man's daily analysis of geopolitics, and also I admire his astonishing ability for detailed factual recall. He talks for over an hour without using notes. He brings in many ideas, facts, and statistics to make a clear flow of information and opinion.

So, who is the better person to be the President of the United States?

In November, American voters will choose between former President Trump and Vice President Harris. For me, neither are the best person for the job, and while there are better 3rd-party candidates, none are serious contenders — not yet anyway. By a small margin, Trump may be the better of two poor choices. He may be better because he can still do some mental gymnastics, including being able to change his mind and agree to compromise solutions (diplomacy) — "Making the Deal". VP Harris, on the other hand, comes across as being vacuous and a serial flip-flopper. That is my opinion. What is yours? Leave your comments below this article.

Once elected, the new President of the United States must meet with Valdimir Putin from Russia and Xi Jinping from China. This is important for the survival of humanity. The President must have a one-on-one talk with them, and to do this quickly. We are on the verge of nuclear annihilation!

Do you agree with this analysis? Place your comments below. Thank you.

Are we witnessing Dementia on Steroids?

The President's cognitive deterioration has progressed quickly, along with similar cases that have been reported. Is there a possible explanation for why this condition, which usually progresses slowly and over a long period of time, is now manifesting rapidly and spreading like a wildfire in the middle of summer?

“Preliminary evidence suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of AD and MCI. This underscores the need for further research to elucidate the relationship between vaccine-induced immune responses and neurodegenerative processes, advocating for continuous monitoring and investigation into the vaccines' long-term neurological impacts.”

However, as they say, "Nothing to see here!"


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4 Kommentare

Kiwi Cam
Kiwi Cam
30. Juni

I'm not concerned about nuclear antihalation as nuclear explosions on a large scale have ramifications for other parts of the universe and that will not be allowed now, just like it was not permitted in the 80s. We also get more of what we focus on, so let's not put too much focus on these things as is creates fear which is a powerful energy that works against us when we hold on to it. This election is going to distract everyone, command their attention and divide the world again. The result may not be good for anyone despite how it looks. Red & blue - 2 wings....

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
01. Juli
Antwort an

Kiwi Cam, I've been trying to understand what antihalation means. I guess that means holding one's breath. In the case of a nuclear conflagration, holding your breath is about as effective a strategy as any for survival. Just saying! 😂🤣

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Maurice Blackwell
Maurice Blackwell
30. Juni

All absolutely right Gary.

Biden is a geriatric cot case not capoable of rational thought.

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
30. Juni
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Who do you think should replace him as President?

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