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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Where do I get my War News?

Updated: Apr 6

(Updated 28 October, 2023)

"There is no greater curse than seeing your own children killed before your eyes"

Words of an Al Jazeera correspondent

Refugee children
The innocence of children in conflict zones: Do they deserve to die?


When I turned on the television early this morning, I was greeted by shocked Al Jazeera correspondents, all close to being without words, and in tears, breaking the news that their Gaza correspondent, Wael Dahdouh, just minutes later, had lost multiple members of his family, including his wife, daughter and son, killed in an Israeli bombing of the home they were sheltering in.

New Zealanders can view Al Jazeera News on channel 20 of their Freeview TV.

This is not the first time, recently, that Al Jazeera war correspondents have been killed while reporting this conflict, some would argue, deliberately.

Is committing war crimes ever justified?:

Even if there are criminals hiding nearby, nothing justifies the targeting and killing of innocent civilians, especially women and children. While doing so may take out a few of the enemy, indiscriminate killing creates a new generation of hateful combatants to carry on the struggle for many years to come. Such is the consequence of the pain and hatred caused by these indiscriminate and sometimes deliberate attacks on civilian populations. No matter who we think is right or wrong in this ongoing conflict, these are outright war crimes being committed by all sides.

Enough said of this tragedy. What I intended to write about this morning, when I awoke, is to share where I get my news about geopolitical events, including the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, and the growing tensions and increasing calls for war between the Western World and China.

We are on the verge of being plunged into Armageddon - Incineration - WWIII, and it is as if those on power not only want it - they are demanding it! This has to stop! This is not about who is right or wrong - this is about survival of humanity - survival of life. This is about preventing extermination by nuclear war.

Armageddon is a term commonly linked to a biblical idea of an ultimate clash between forces representing good and evil. This concept is detailed in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, portraying it as the place where the powers of darkness gather for a decisive showdown. Regrettably, some individuals in influential positions, driven by religious fervor, not only anticipate this final confrontation (which could lead to the incineration of Earth) but are actively pushing for its arrival.

Our only option is diplomacy. Who cares who is right or wrong! War, on the scale we are on the brink of at this moment, is not an option - full stop!

Did you smell a rat?:

Two years ago, when Russia intervened in Ukraine to end the conflict that had been raging there since the Maidan Coup of 2014, I immediately smelled a rat when our government banned various news outlets such as Russia Today, instead flooding our media with pro-Ukrainian news (propaganda?), while encouraging all and sundry to erect blue and yellow everywhere in blind support of one side of the conflict, Ukraine.

In warfare, it's often stated that the first casualty is the truth

I consider myself an informed individual with a deep history background dating back to the 1960s. I'm more than capable of forming my own opinions, thank you. I certainly don't require guidance (censorship) from someone significantly younger, possibly with just a few years of experience in a university that emphasises being "woke." In matters of conflict, the truth typically resides somewhere in between; seldom is either side entirely faultless or righteous. I, therefore, prefer the freedom to discern the truth from falsehood and determine what's right and wrong on my own. My cognitive faculties are more than adequate for this task, and I value the autonomy to arrive at my own conclusions.

Factoid: in 1969, I subscribed to "Soviet Life" and received copies of this Soviet competitor to the USA's Life Magasine, which I also read.

While you could describe me as an anti-communist back then and still now, I eagerly devoured both sides of disputes from an early age, then made up my own mind about where to stand, while always being prepared to change my stance.

Promoting Critical Thinking in New Zealand:

Rather than resorting to censorship, which often restricts people to a single perspective while excluding all others, it's essential to enhance the education of critical thinking skills. By doing this, we provide individuals with the means to assess ideas and convictions thoughtfully and stand firm against conformity pressures. This empowers New Zealanders to combat the sway of detrimental ideologies and distinguish between reality and fiction.

So, where do I get my news?

For dispassionate analysis of geopolitics here are my most trusted sources (for ease of reference and to support resistance to censorship, I'm referring mostly to the video-hosting channel called Rumble). The following are in rough order of how I'd weigh the value of their presentations, but they are all valuable and worth listening to, to give some balance to what we see and hear in our newspapers and on the television:

  1. Alexander Mercouris:

  2. The New Atlas:

  3. Scott Ritter:

  4. Colonel Douglas MacGregor:

  5. A Canadian War Correspondent with a difference:

  6. Redacted News:

There are many other sources, but these are a good start.

For New Zealand:

In conclusion:

Witnessing the loss of innocent lives in conflict zones is deeply distressing. The tragic events, marked by deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on civilians, underscore the pressing need for accountability in the face of war crimes. We must not forget that the primary victims in these complex conflicts are often innocent men, women, and children caught in the crossfire.

This morning, I watched as Al Jazeera correspondents struggled to hold back tears while reporting on the heartbreaking loss of their Gaza correspondent, Wael Dahdouh, and his family. These events serve as stark reminders of the ongoing pain and suffering in these conflict zones.


During such heart-wrenching moments, it becomes imperative to seek a range of information sources - never is there a single Podium of Truth. Geopolitical issues, like those in Ukraine and Palestine, often demand careful navigation through layers of propaganda and misinformation. Therefore, I turn to a variety of sources, including the anti-censorship video-hosting channel Rumble, which provide balanced perspectives and insightful analysis.

These sources are outlets for gaining a more informed and nuanced understanding of the world's complexities. In a time of information saturation and conflicting narratives, being open to other perspectives is pivotal for unraveling the truth and advancing the cause of peace and harmony.



Quick Summaries for you, about the Ukraine and Israel-Palestine Wars:

Ukraine: The Maidan Coup, often referred to as the Euromaidan movement, was a series of events in Ukraine that culminated in a political crisis and the eventual removal of President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. It is a complex and highly contentious chapter in Ukraine's history, with multiple interpretations of the events.

Here is a simplified explanation:

  1. Background: Ukraine had a long history of political and economic ties to Russia due to its Soviet past. President Yanukovych, who had close relations with Russia, abandoned an agreement with the European Union (EU) in favor of closer ties with Russia, leading to protests.

  2. Protests Begin: In November 2013, protests erupted in Ukraine, initially in response to Yanukovych's refusal to sign an association agreement with the EU. Demonstrators, largely from Western Ukraine, gathered in Kyiv's Independence Square (Maidan Nezalezhnosti), calling for closer European integration, democratic reforms, and an end to corruption.

  3. Escalation: The protests continued for months, with growing demands for Yanukovych's resignation. The government responded with repressive measures, leading to violence between protesters and security forces.

  4. Yanukovych's Ouster: In late February 2014, after deadly clashes in Kyiv, Yanukovych fled the capital and went into exile. The Ukrainian Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) voted to remove him from office, declaring the presidency vacant. An interim government was established, with opposition figures in key positions.

  5. Russian Annexation of Crimea: Shortly after Yanukovych's ouster, Russia seized Crimea, citing the need to protect the rights of ethnic Russians. This led to international condemnation and sanctions against Russia.

  6. Ongoing Conflict: Following the coup in 2014, the predominantly Ethnic Russian population of Eastern Ukraine has been subjected to what some claim to be ethnic cleansing, leading to the ongoing conflict, in the Donbas region, primarily in Donetsk and Luhansk. As the conflict escalated, Russia entered the Donbas two year ago, allegedly to end the killing, and the rest is history - well, not quite!

The Maidan Coup has been viewed differently by various parties. Some saw it as a pro-democracy movement aimed at achieving greater independence from Russia and combating corruption. Others viewed it as a Western-backed coup against a legitimately elected government.

The conflict in Eastern Ukraine and Russia's annexation of Crimea have continued to shape geopolitical relations in the region.

The Israel-Palestine conflict

The Israel-Palestine conflict is a complex and long-standing dispute with deep historical roots. Here's a brief overview of the history leading to the current conflict:

  1. Pre-20th Century: The region, historically known as Palestine, was home to various peoples, including Arabs, Jews, and Christians. It was under Ottoman rule for centuries.

  2. Balfour Declaration (1917): During World War I, the British government issued the Balfour Declaration, expressing support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. This marked the beginning of international interest in the region.

  3. British Mandate (1920-1948): After World War I, Britain assumed control of Palestine under a League of Nations mandate. Tensions between Jewish and Arab communities increased during this period.

  4. United Nations Partition Plan (1947): The United Nations proposed a plan to partition Palestine into separate Jewish and Arab states with an international administration for Jerusalem. The plan was accepted by Jewish leaders but rejected by Arab leaders.

  5. Israeli Declaration of Independence (1948): Following the end of the British Mandate, Israel declared its independence. This led to a war between Israel and neighboring Arab states.

  6. Palestinian Exodus (1948): Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs fled or were displaced from their homes during the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, becoming refugees.

  7. Arab-Israeli Wars: Several conflicts, including the Suez Crisis (1956), the Six-Day War (1967), and the Yom Kippur War (1973), further shaped the region's political landscape.

  8. Occupation of Palestinian Territories (1967): Israel gained control of the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip during the Six-Day War. These territories have been a focal point of the conflict.

  9. Peace Efforts: Various peace initiatives and negotiations have taken place over the years, including the Oslo Accords (1993), Camp David Summit (2000), and Annapolis Conference (2007), but a lasting resolution has remained elusive.

  10. Current Conflict: The conflict continues, marked by cycles of violence, including the Gaza Wars (2008-2009, 2012, 2014, and 2021). Key issues include borders, refugees, settlements, Jerusalem, and Palestinian statehood.

The Israel-Palestine conflict remains a deeply rooted and contentious issue, with both sides having legitimate historical and political claims. Efforts to find a peaceful and lasting resolution continue with the involvement of international actors.

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댓글 4개

익명 회원
2023년 10월 29일

Hi Gary.

Bruce Thomson here. The post is mine and I tried to put my name to it by logging in and logging out a few times but could not get your system to put my name to it. I also tried to email you but what with the relentless pressure of time, the email was lost. Very sorry about that because I would never want to distress you or your readers.

I very much agree with your sentiments about "prioritise diplomacy, cooperation, and peaceful resolutions to conflicts" but sadly this is not going to happen now. The American Empire (I call it an empire because it is has far more military bases around the world than any other nation)…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
2023년 10월 30일
답글 상대:

Thank you, Bruce, most appreciated.

Your friend.



Gary Moller
Gary Moller
2023년 10월 27일

Thank you for your comments. However, it is a shame you have not put your name to it. In speaking out, people need to be brave and not hide behind the cloak of anonymity.

I've just made a few updates, including the reference to the killing of journalists in war zones.

On this matter, I refuse to take sides because they are all in the wrong. However, I will stand up for the protection of innocent civilians who are caught up in this conflict.

Failure to address these issues with empathy, reject hatred, and avoid seeking revenge poses a significant risk to global peace and stability. If we continue down this path, we are at risk of heading into World…


익명 회원
2023년 10월 27일

Please don’t say, “Some would argue”

Gary, you say:

“This is not the first time, recently, that Al Jazeera war correspondents have been killed while reporting this conflict, some would argue, deliberately”.

Please don’t say, “some would argue”, but rather, say precisely what you mean!

To do less is to descend into the gutter tactic policies of the mainstream media.

Here is the logic behind the question, “who would deliberately kill Wael Dahdouh’s family?...

Would the Israelis deliberately kill an Al Jazeera correspondent’s family? Unlikely. The Israelis are not stupid and would not deliberately provoke the wrath of a powerful media entity such as Al Jazeera. Quite to the contrary, they would try to protect Al Jazeera correspondents.


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