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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Which Political Party are you going to Vote for?

Updated: Apr 6

voting papers

Over the last three years our general and health freedoms have been under sustained attack from several quarters, including from our own Government and the bleating Opposition Parties. All of the sitting Members of Parliament have lost their mandate to represent us, the people.

What's blown me away is the burgeoning volunteer army of enthusiasts and experts who have, without being asked, stepped up to the plate to help restore freedom and democracy. They are stepping up to take back control of the institutions and the industries, including farming, that made this country the peaceful, first world country that it was until a few years ago — Godzone, the paradise that it is fast not becoming!

Carreen is one of those wonderful New Zealand heroes who, of her own accord, is contributing to the fightback.

Carreen has written two articles on her Substack which you can read here, in order of publication and please subscribe to her channel while you are at it — thank you!

My original article and video about who to vote for can be found here.

The article and video generated a surprising response, including encouraging Carreen to do her analysis and articles.

I'm feeling upbeat about things and confident we'll take back this country after the next election, but only if we unite to be a single voice. I don't know about you, but I like winning and this is one victory I'm going to really relish! So, let's do this together!


And here's a press release with some wonderful news!

Media Release Saturday 5th of August, 2023.

(From New Zealand Outdoors & Freedom Party)

Sue Grey
Sue Grey

A Win for Sue Grey and A Win for Freedom of Speech in New Zealand

Freedom of speech as a Lawyer, a Scientist, as a Politician and as a Mother

Late Friday afternoon Sue Grey received news that the Lawyers and Conveyancers Disciplinary Tribunal has struck out charges against her and found no case to answer as she had not breached professional standards.

The charges had stemmed from complaints instigated by pro-government lobby group "FACT Aotearoa" who gleefully invited an online orchestrated attack on Sue Grey. and on several doctors who challenged the government COVID narrative.

They tried to use lawyers and medical professional bodies to close down free speech of Sue Grey, Dr Anne O'Reilly and other doctors who encouraged people to ask questions and do their own research, including looking at concerns published by NZ regulator Medsafe, rather than rely on claims advertised by Unite Against Covid.

The Tribunal decision recognises the important distinction between a lawyer speaking in their professional capacity, and their personal and political speech.

The Tribunal had no criticism of any of Sue Grey's legal work and decided it was unfair to hold political posts to the professional standards required for legal services.

None of the complaints were from clients of Grey or from family members of those that have died.

Sue Grey lodged supporting affidavits from Rory Nairn’s father Brett Nairn who lost his 26 year old son to the vaccine and from Aly Cook, the well known musician and Outdoors and Freedom Party board member whose 26 year old son has chronic vaccine induced myocarditis.

Aly Cook has subsequently lodged a petition to parliament with over 24 000 signatures seeking a Royal Commission of Inquiry into Vaccine injuries, supported by 1440 pages of submission evidence. To date this public interest petition has been largely ignored by both Parliament and by state funded media

The Tribunal decided it is not qualified to make findings on the safety or otherwise of the vaccine. However it does recognise the important public interest in talking about controversial issues, and the need for balance, recognising that while some may have been distressed by Grey raising issues of suspected vaccine death & injury:

“At the same time, we also recognise the distress of those who felt their concerns were not heard. These people include the family of a young man who, the Coroner has ruled, has died because of complications from the vaccine. “

In the context the judges stated

[10] Ms Grey is an experienced Nelson-based lawyer who practices in the field of public law, with an emphasis on human rights, resource management law and medico-legal matters.

[11] As well as her legal qualifications, Ms Grey holds a science degree with majors in microbiology and biochemistry, as well as a Royal Society of Health Diploma in Public Health Inspection.

During the case Sue Grey referred the tribunal to the words of Sir Geoffrey Palmer in 2007 in recommending, on behalf of the Law Commission, the repeal of the law of seditious offenses. In stating that,

“they have been used to fetter vehement and unpopular political speech”, Sir Geoffrey, arguably the country’s foremost constitutional lawyer provided this pithy analysis:

“In a free and democratic society, defaming the government is the right of every citizen. In times beset with threats of terrorism we should not close the open society. To do so will only encourage its enemies. In New Zealand, free speech and public debate must be “uninhibited, robust and wide open”, and it may include “vehement, caustic and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials”

While the Tribunal disagreed with some of the strong language on the Outdoors and Freedom Party Facebook posts they acknowledged that many of the criticised posts could not be attributed to Sue Grey and said:

in the end we consider that freedom of expression must be jealously guarded and that lawyers, within limits, must not be fearful of saying unpopular things. If that were to occur, they might be dampened or restricted in their role in advancing the democratic rights of their clients.

Sue Grey commented

“ I am very pleased with the decision and the recognition of the importance of free speech in New Zealand. I hope that this encourages more professionals to ask questions and to call out censorship and harassment. It's been a shocking period of history for freedom of speech and our other rights and freedoms. I'm proud to have stepped up and spoken out about the many red flags that were obvious in the COVID response from early 2020. I'm glad this is behind me now so I can focus on my campaign for winning the West Coast Tasman seat and my work as co-leader of the New Zealand Outdoors party and Co-leader of the FreedomsNZ umbrella party, along with continuing to serve my clients' needs to the best of my abilities. “

A copy of the findings of the tribunal is here 2023-NZLCDT-33-Nelson-Standards-Committee-v-Grey.pdf (

Please see the documentary Silenced

For interviews with Sue Grey please contact Aly Cook 027 5566113 or email Aly Cook Promoter, Publicist & Tour Manager NZ Highwaymen Tour 2023 AC Marketing PH 027 5566113 Artist, Publicist, Social Media Strategy & Marketing, Event & Tour Management Managing Director Tasman Records Ltd Partner Key 2 Artist promotions

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Aug 05, 2023

Brilliant, for once sanity prevails! The problem is that it has taken up all Sue's time and distracted her for months from working and earning money, and giving talks and sharing information. If she had another lawyer take on her case they would have charged her $200K so she had to do it herself. These people need taking to task, if Sue was vindictive she could turn around and sue them, but she isn't. There are so few lawyers speaking out in this space - just a handful in NZ - and you can see why. Put your head above the parapet and get shot at....

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