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Writer's pictureGary Moller

The Freedom Parties Insurmountable Hurdle and a Solution

Updated: Apr 6

(Updated: 25 July, 2023)

Despite the massive public outcry and the pathetic bleating from the opposition parties, the Therapeutic Products Bill has been railroaded through Parliament and is now becoming law.

However, not all is lost. We now need to focus on bringing about political change, and thus, bringing about the repeal of this obnoxious legislation.

In the meantime, and closely related to this issue of Government overreach and interference in the lives of hard-working Kiwis, their families and businesses, I have produced a video commentary on the how to resolve the disunity between the fledgeling "freedom" parties, so that we avoid splitting the vote and, instead, get enough support to be the "Kingmakers" after the General Elections.

What follows is my video commentary, and, shortly, I'll have more to say about how the Therapeutic Products legislation impacts on all of us:

Here's the key points summary of my video presentation:

Welcome, friends, and fellow Kiwis, to this crucial presentation. Today, I'm here to address the insurmountable hurdles and challenges that freedom parties face. We must work together to overcome these obstacles and achieve victory. Let's explore these issues and the workable solution that's rapidly gaining momentum.

New Zealand is facing a crisis. Kiwis feel like they've lost control of their destiny, and the government and sitting MPs seem to disregard the best interests of the people. Many hardworking Kiwis believe they've been lied to about their true intentions. We need to ask ourselves how many sitting MPs, including current or former cabinet ministers, have told lies. Radical changes are happening without the people's consent, causing stress and division within the country.

The threats we are facing are numerous and growing every day. New Zealand is under attack from within, as the government seems to be waging war on its own people and destroying what was once called "God's own" – the best place in the world to raise a family.

We've seen numerous concerning policies, including the Therapeutic Products Bill, the dissolution of area health boards, centralization of local government, climate emergency code governance, race-based health care, three waters, significant natural areas, emission taxes on farmers, the closing and vandalisation of oil and gas fields, and the sexualization of our children, among others. The government's actions are alarming, and we must question whether we were properly consulted and if we were lied to.

Censorship and the curtailment of free speech are issues that need to be addressed. We must make sure that the government doesn't have the authority to decide what information we can access and what's true or false. Censorship limits our ability to make informed decisions and is a tool of tyranny.

To safeguard our freedoms and democracy, we must unite behind a single established party that best represents the freedom movement. New Zealand First is showing promise, and we need to support them. We should call on other emerging parties to stand down and back New Zealand First, preventing a split in the freedom vote.

It's essential to articulate to the voting public the benefits of supporting New Zealand First as the kingmaker, making sure their voices are heard and respected. We must become actively involved with the party at the regional level, participate in fundraising, policy development, and candidate selection.

Winston Peters, with his experience and tenacity, is an obvious candidate to lead the charge. We need a strong leader who can stand up to adversity and represent our vision of freedom and democracy effectively.

To make a difference, we must sign up and participate in Voters United's polling. Encourage friends and family to do the same. The more united we are, the stronger our collective voice becomes.

In conclusion, I thank you for watching this presentation, and I urge you to take positive action. Let's come together, think, and behave like winners. We must reclaim ownership of New Zealand and restore it to the beautiful country we know it can be.

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30 comentarios

Ian Allen
Ian Allen
05 ago 2023

There is a fair amount of merit to such strategy, but looking back on Winston's comment here, how could we possibly trust the man is my worry?

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Ian Allen
Ian Allen
08 ago 2023
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Fair comment Gary and a better choice than the previous ACT approach. Have you tried speaking to Winston? If he made it clear that he screwed up with tweets such as the one above, then I think that a great many more folk would take the option seriously. Having said that, it is a no-brainer that neither of the two gangster parties are an option and the situation is desire and precarious!

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Wayne Iremonger
Wayne Iremonger
25 jul 2023

Gary Sadly Winston is old school values and indoctrinated in a broken system same old same old Hand Brake (very Effective one at that).However he has a lot to bring to the table but polling is early days yet and NZLoyal is a late comer but rushing up the charts so let Winston Go ahead as he feels he will romp in with 8% or more then we can see who else is needing a push then we can vote them across so we have a few Independents.. ie., NZ1st,NZLoyal,FreedomNZ,Leighton Baker? pick up a few Electoral seats and an umbrella or 2 could be possible ..Our Vote Must Count..shrewd Planning will ensure no 2 or More Good people splitting th…

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
28 jul 2023
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Hi Wayne, I appreciate your thoughts on this matter. My impression is Winston has had his "road to Damascus" moment and is back, not for the game but for New Zealand, including his family. He's dead serious and won't be playing games. That's my take, and, besides, he's saved our natural health industry on two previous occasions and has promised to do it again, but he has to get the numbers.

Another point: times ahead for NZ are going to be tough — really tough and rolling back and undoing all the damage is a huge undertaking and there'll be nasty fight-back by the cultists and dangerous people that are currently in control. The leading of this fightback won't be…

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Miembro desconocido
24 jul 2023

Exactly right Gary, "division is death" for the minor parties.

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
28 jul 2023
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Absolutely! We must ensure our Party Vote is cast effectively.

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David Blake
24 jul 2023

Hi Gary,

I applaud your sentiments, and agree we need to encourage as much unified support as we can to ensure we get some like minded representation in the parliament. I know and understand your focus is on the Therapeutic Products Bill. As important as this issue is - for me the removal of the right that I used to have, to say no to medical treatment is paramount.

I have had a look at NZF health policies and can find no mention of the elimination of the mandates.

I believe we need to have any sort of ability that others may have to impose health mandates removed, and we need to get all of those that continue to be…

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
24 jul 2023
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Hi David,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and concerns regarding the need for unified support and representation in parliament. I completely understand your focus on the paramount issue of the removal of the right to say no to medical treatment, especially in light of current vaccine mandates. These are my concerns as well.

While I can't speak for the party, my understanding is the removal of mandates is one of their goals, as is the right to choose when it comes to medical procedures.

If the elimination of mandates and the right to say no to medical treatment are deal-breaker issues for you, I'd encourage you to reach out directly to NZF or their representatives to seek clarity on…

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Ernest Gibbs
24 jul 2023

Bravo Gary!! Awesome presentation. This is logic and commonsense wrapped up in a strategic lance to burst the canker of the of the NZ Government and their Globalist masters! The changing of the guard from Labour to National will change nothing, except the window dressing to make a show there is an opposition. We, the Freedom Fighters of NZ have to stand up and be the honest and true opposition to this Neo-Feudalism that is assailing us, with all its composite strands of every stripe of totalitarian power structure it has gathered to this unholy alliance. As the old old song goes: United we Stand, Divided we Fall!!

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
24 jul 2023
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Ernest, Thank you so much for your enthusiastic and encouraging response! Your passion for logic, commonsense, and freedom shines through in your words, and I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments. It's essential for the people of New Zealand to stand united in the face of challenges posed by various power structures and to guarantee that the principles of honesty, truth, and opposition to totalitarianism are upheld.

You make a powerful point about the need to go beyond mere window dressing and showmanship in politics. True change requires genuine action and dedication from those who believe in preserving the values that make a society strong and resilient.

As you rightly pointed out, unity is key in this endeavour. Together, as Freedom Fighters…

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