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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Watch the interview of Tucker with Putin

Updated: Mar 13

The Ukraine conflict started in 2014 with the Maidan Coup, which was a CIA-backed operation. It turned into a full-blown war two years ago, when Russia intervened to protect the Russian-speaking population from the neo-nazi Unkrainian forces.

While you can debate who started it all, one thing that has really bothered me is how the Western media censors anything that may have a pro-Russian point of view. So, it's impossible to have an open debate about this conflict here in New Zealand and in other so-called free democracies.

Now, I don't know about you, but I consider myself to be a well-informed individual. I didn't just fall off the turnip truck yesterday. I don't need some young, inexperienced person telling me what I can or can't read, see, or hear. I'm perfectly capable of forming my own opinions, thank you very much! I'm not some fragile snowflake who needs to be shielded from the harsh realities of the truth!

Regarding any disagreement, the truth usually lies somewhere in the middle. Rarely is one party completely right or wrong.

Despite enormous opposition, including threats that he's committing treason, US journalist Tucker Carlson, standing up for freedom of speech, went to Moscow to interview Vladimir Putin. It has only just gone live and it has already had tens of millions of views.

So, even if you believe Putin is a psychopathic monster and mass-murderer, I'm asking that you park your opinions to the side for a while and listen carefully to what the man has got to say (click on the image or link below to listen to the interview):

Image of Tucker and Putin

I'll add that I've been listening to Putin for a long time now and he can talk off the cuff, and without hesitation, for three hours or longer about modern history and geopolitics, and with accuracy. In contrast, we have a US president who can't recall the events of yesterday, and he'd have trouble locating Moscow on a map! I doubt his Vice President could do any better.

Who is Putin?

I wonder if, indeed, we are dealing with the original Putin of KGB origon, or an extremely well-educated double, a "Russian Doll", who instead of being a graduate of the WEF's leadership programme is now the sworn enemy of the globalist elite. The idea that this might be true is fascinating and gives me hope. I'd be interested in your comments and opinions about this matter (post them below in the "comments" section).

Who is Putin?
Who is Putin

What's happening on the battlefield?

Did you know that the Ukrainian army has lost around 600,000 soldiers, both dead and wounded? It may be that there are many more casualties than that, but who do you believe? The Russians, who have suffered their own casualties, but fewer, have the Unkrainan army horrifically battered and defeated, but their leaders refuse to admit it or surrender because they have too much at stake. Defeat for them may be the "noose" at the hands of their citizens. As a result, the violence and bloodshed continues, while Western media and governments, including ours, are hiding the truth.

Find the Truth for yourself!

For a dry and impartial daily analysis of the conflict and other hotspots, such as in the Middle East, I recommend listening to geopolitical expert Alexander Mercouris:

Image of Alexander

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Unknown member
Feb 12

It was very interesting to hear Putin talk unedited. I wish our western leaders had the same commitment to their people as Vlad does. He advanced the idea of who is really running the West? Is it really our elected politicians?

Just look at the USA at present, no one could seriously say that Biden is in control! So who is then?

Re his photo Gary , let's do a side by side of you now and 30 years ago 😀


Maurice Blackwell
Maurice Blackwell
Feb 09

Maurice Blackwell <>

17:11 (4 hours ago)

Hi Gary,

Very interesting international goings on which we over here in New Zealand would note know what is really happening because of  propaganda, corrupt news and our own news media having their own agenda.

Add to that the 1000's of years of tribalism, religion, different cultures, politics and wars which we here can't even pretend to comprehend or understand. 

We need more of the type of Tucker Putin type conversation which is of course the type of dialouge we saw with Trump, who went and talked to people.

Good of you to put this up Gary, if we could get more people to think and listen or even just start to think it would make the world…


Maurice Blackwell
Maurice Blackwell
Feb 09

Maurice Blackwell <>

17:11 (4 hours ago)

Hi Gary,

Very interesting international goings on which we over here in New Zealand would note know what is really happening because of  propaganda, corrupt news and our own news media having their own agenda.

Add to that the 1000's of years of tribalism, religion, different cultures, politics and wars which we here can't even pretend to comprehend or understand. 

We need more of the type of Tucker Putin type conversation which is of course the type of dialouge we saw with Trump, who went and talked to people.

Good of you to put this up Gary, if we could get more people to think and listen or even just start to think it would make the world…


Feb 09

Hmmm ... Alexander Mercouris sounds knowledgeable and plausible but after watching the odd interview with him I've come to the conclusion he is indeed the exact opposite.

As for Putin and Russia, they are NOT our great saviors. Russia is going full steam ahead with a CBDC, creating a biometric database, injected as many people as possible with an mRNA slurry, are gearing up to produce an arsenal of genetic vaccines. This is just a small sample of how on-board they are with the WEF. The war with Ukraine is a sham - Russia sells oil to Ukraine, sends gas, via to Ukraine, to western Europe (around 47m cubic metres/day and pays transit fees to Ukraine. The recent reports o…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Feb 09
Replying to

DTK, Thanks for adding to this. I find this fascinating to explore, if not a little freaky, when getting into these conspiracy theories because, as we all know now, some like the release of bioweapons and vaccines for depopulation are for real! My approach, while maintaining sanity, is to explore with an open mind while charting a relatively conservative course down the "central" line. It's a wild kind of journey. I'll watch and read what you sent, and I thank you.


Ian Allen
Ian Allen
Feb 09

Bloody marvellous, thanks Gary. I was wondering where/how to watch that interview. I don't see Putin as the monster you mention many do - I don't see him as a saint either but compared with our western lot perhaps he is! It is utterly astounding the vile rhetoric and ill-informed propaganda that so many folk readily believe without making any inquiries. I always ask folk who foam at the mouth and get apoplectic about the Ukraine and Putin whether at least they reacted equally hysterically when Bush, Cheney and Blair trashed Iraq forever with concocted pretexts? Invariably they look stupidly perplexed. I despair at the majority of our species inability  to think further than their fridge!



Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Feb 09
Replying to

Regardless of where people stand on these issues, one thing we can all agree with is Putin is knowlegable and has an incredible memory, and his subtleness is better described as being cunning. Carlson was great because, unlike other journalists, such as Plunket, he asked a question, then let the man answer without interruption.

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