At least 100 midwives have been fired. I wonder why? Is it because they can see something that the Government is hiding from the public?

Report here:
I do not know about Israel, but here in New Zealand, miscarriages and stillbirths are not recorded as deaths.
Thankyou so much for this article Gary ... and thanks Bruce..brilliant to get a vet's perspective.
I cant think of anything else to say right now because when it comes to pregnant mums and babies being harmed my heart hurts too much to think clearly. The loss of those dedicated and experienced midwives due to the mandates is one our country cannot afford.
If you are short on time go and download the following pdf on all things Covid and vaccine, this document provides links to all the Google censored information that you need, to make informed consent:-
Abortion reference: https://trialsitenews.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Vaccine-safety-FAQ.pdf
There's a problem with this article in that there's no precise time association between when the vacc was given and which stage of pre-pregnancy or pregnancy. Was it a few months before the attempt to conceive? - If the vacc were 100% effective in preventing conception, it would make the vacc 100% effective in reducing the reported abortion rate. As a veterinarian I was taught that you must be very careful about drugs (vaccines included) during the first trimester (third of pregnancy). …