My friend, Guy Hatchard wrote this:
Two days ago I wrote that last year’s government Covid advice about disinformation, when read today in the light of recently published science, was itself disinformation. That night I watched Web of Chaos, an hour-long TVNZ government-funded documentary compiled with the help of main players from our very own Disinformation Project.
Web of Chaos is deeply anti-intellectual, anti-religious, against medical choice, and politically biased. Is this just a lone wolf director giving us his opinion? No. It is funded propaganda. As such, it is part of a wide-ranging on-going government campaign to control the New Zealand public narrative.
Please go here to read the entire article and to view Guy's supporting evidence:
I get emails most days like this one (edited):
"The information given out by Guy Hatchard is so overwhelming that it has taken my breath away, and I would say that most people in this country do not know how serious this all is, particularly if you have a family member who is accusing me of being part of the group ... I am white, in my 60's, knit for charity etc., a Christian, and knit for children. This makes me a danger to the public. ...I have been accused almost weekly of being a danger to society like Guy Hatchard says, and I am forced to wonder about the mental health of what is happening here.
For the general public, this type of rubbish splits harmless people up, wondering what will happen to them next. I agree with the letter to the MPs about the need for deeper investigation into the number of deaths, stillborns, and the greater deaths among the vaccinated. This was the first time I had read such statistics in New Zealand, .... but decided that NZ was not keeping a record, as this information has not been published on Stuff or any of the general media I have found. The government here is running for cover, and because the details are kept off Stuff and our general media outlets, ... when we urgently need this information.
You would have to say that the public is not interested, and I think the government is unwilling to cooperate with the request to put who is vaccinated and who is not on the death certificates as the result of a giant cover-up.
I feel very unsettled about the situation in New Zealand for the general public... If we have got down to calling grandmothers dangerous, then you have to wonder what is going on in the world that the government are trying to cover up..."
Here is my video reply to the claims that the occupation at Parliament was a riot:
Thank you Gary, that was well presented and explained. It is hard to believe this level of deceit could be subjected on good Kiwis, the Police must have hated their orders too, behaving in the stance of the SS, this isn't the New Zealand that we know and love. Many thanks for your insightful video of the real facts. NZ media are a pathetic joke worthy of Joseph Goebbels propaganda style!!Greg Sharpe
Good stuff Gary, I've tried to watch the Government Propaganda Film but it won't play in Australia, anyone got any suggestions as to how we can put it up for the rest of the world to see how nuts NZ has gone.
7/ 11/ 2022 Video wasn't originally working as " evemcg " pointed out, but today its all go. Brilliant job Gary! Your images speak for themselves.
For me one of the most offensive actions of the Government authorities / police was when they physically destroyed the placards that displayed photos of mRNA-injection-injured New Zealanders. How shameful and contemptible is that? These are real people whose lives have been changed forever since they received the injections without informed consent.The photos with some of the harmed individuals' details were literally trampled underfoot and treated like rubbish!
No wonder some of the police involved quit their jobs.I applaud those who did.
Just a not to say that I hope you and your wife have a great holiday Gary . Gary Moller and Guy Hatchard are courageous and shining stars in the annals of New Zealand history. We sang praises to those that returned and did not return from the two first world wars , and we will sing praises to the New Zealanders who stand up staight and fight for New Zealanders in this third war . The silent malicious war of population reduction. Thank you both.
video not working - not sure if its my computer or if anyone else having same problem