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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Naturally Acquired Immunity Versus Vaccine Acquired Immunity

Updated: Mar 21



"There is no vaccine acquired immunity. The vaccine causes more problems than it solves.

Science and public policy seem to disagree over which one is better" (Dixie).



All of our immediate family have now had COVID and we are over it in more ways than one: I'm back into unrestricted daily exercise after resting for about 10 days while I fought the infection, then several more days of taking it easy while energy levels returned and the lungs cleared of residual phlegm (I'll write more about what I did to help recover).

My earlier article on the subject:

We now have superior natural immunity which is broad and lasting; however, those in charge of pushing the mRNA vaccines will not allow mention in public of natural immunity, let alone discussion about its vast superiority over the jabs. Their message is this: "Get your booster, wear your masks, shut down your business and fear your neighbours".

Its a fact for Viral Illness: Natural Immunity provides long-lasting protection

Now that we are immune, we want our lives back: we no longer want or need to wear masks, scan in, show our passports, fear those with the infection or fear infecting others, and we want to get back to running our business without restrictions - We now have immunity, we can not infect other people, and we have resistance to the next variant of this lab-made pathogen that comes along. We protect our community by contributing our naturally immunised bodies to collectively produce what is called "Herd Immunity".

Forget what the naysayer experts say (the ones receiving the money) - we have immunity. We can neither catch it again, nor can we spread it.

For more about the merits of natural immunity here is an article by Jennifer Margulis TIME November 9, 2021:

Naturally Acquired Immunity Versus Vaccine Acquired Immunity

“He’s got a pass!” said the dad sitting across from me at the airport in Bismarck, North Dakota, where we were both stranded due to flight delays. He gestured to his 5-year-old son.

“Had a slight fever and tested positive for COVID. We had to keep him home from school for a couple weeks. Then, he tested negative and was good to go. I got the vaccine. My wife did, too. But he can travel anywhere without any testing, and there’s no vaccine for his age anyway.”

In Germany Natural Immunity Counts

Since the beginning of July in Germany, where that family lives, if you can demonstrate proof of being COVID-recovered and then have a subsequent negative COVID test, you are considered immune. For six months anyway, according to the German government.


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Bruce Thomson
Bruce Thomson
Mar 16, 2022

Today I took my Facemask off...

I figure that since I’ve gotten over the dreaded C-19 and have very, very good immunity, there’s no point in covering my face. So I went into the shops with a smile instead. I squared my shoulders and acted like I was the boss. I’m showing people how not to be fearful. It’s all politics. A politics of fear. But love casts out fear. And I'm showing people how not to be fearful.

Read this if you haven’t already (it might cheer you up):- How NZ's Covid restrictions might change after Omicron peak Download this message, and put it around your neck too!..


Paul Scott
Paul Scott
Mar 16, 2022

If only the psychopaths had told us two years ago just to hate Russia [ for trying to save her people in the East and South] .

All this fear and loathing of the invisible enemy would have been unnecessary.

Mattias Desmet ] Ghent University ] has made us aware that the 30% of us affected deeply by psychosis, obedience and stupidity, can only leave that state when there is something worse on the horizon.

Enter the terrifying and evil Putin. He sends a guided missile to the NATO armoury 1500 km away with an accuracy of 5 meters.

So now we know we have a new Geo Political power structure with China, Russia and India and likely South American…

Colin Maxwell
Colin Maxwell
Mar 16, 2022
Replying to

Great comment Paul!


Mar 16, 2022

Interestingly after recovering from covid you are no longer required to self isolate as a close contact for a period of 3 months. That doesn't apply to even boosted people.

Colin Maxwell
Colin Maxwell
Mar 16, 2022
Replying to

We will win Gary... we just have to keep plugging away.

I have a strong urge to do an expose on the part that Ozone therapy could play in helping the vax injured recover. Also, the huge role it could play in helping viral challenges when the double and treble jabbed are sometimes down to around only 12% of their original immune defences whilst trying to fight off viruses and cancer.

Humanity's problem once again though is that this O3 protocol has been mercilessly hobbled by Big-Pharma since its incredible potential was realised and proven back in WW1. Now of course Big-tech is doing their part too, and making it incredibly difficult to find or share good information on th…


Colin Maxwell
Colin Maxwell
Mar 15, 2022

Yeah Gary... tragically we are witnessing very poorly disguised mass genocide of Kiwis as a result of a corporate coup which has taken over 'our' Govt, DO'H', regulatory agencies and academia. They use our own taxes in order to sicken and kill us!

It is an appalling indictment on how broken our democracy is, when we are still struggling to ban mandates... let alone obtain injunctions that would allow us to immediately shut down these clot-shot kill centres permanently. These are in effect crime-scenes that are systemically ruining our nations health and immunity and killing Kiwis under the guise of helping us.!

This Tennessee House Health subcommittee in this link lays out just how farcical the misinformation is in the…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Mar 15, 2022
Replying to

What would we do without you, Colin. Thanks.


Bruce Thomson
Bruce Thomson
Mar 15, 2022

Breaking news, published this morning

Thank you very much Gary.

God bless and you keep you safe.

Mar 16, 2022
Replying to

Oh my, Colin, you help me stay sane with all the wonderful facts you share...thankyou sooo much! 🤩🤩

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