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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Coming soon: your Instant Baby in a Bag!

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Today we might call it predictive programming but back then we called it parody for the absurdity of it and laughed our heads off. As a reality facing us, it is not so funny, in fact, disturbing to life and love as we know it.

Are we being set up for baby-making to be separated from lovemaking, mothering by the female, and the care and protection of fathering, to become a mechanical event managed by the state? Babies born in plastic bags? It's real.


"In this insane new video from SciShow, we get a peak into a Matrix-like future where babies are grown in bags. Scientists have recently succeeded in keeping a lamb fetus in a "BioBag" for four weeks while it continued to grow and develop. The bag was filled with electrolyte-laced water that simulated amniotic fluid, and the fetus' umbilical cord was connected to a bag of blood that simulated the connection to the mother.

The idea behind this experiment is that were this technique to work in humans, premature babies who are born with undeveloped lungs could be given more time to grow before they're exposed to the world. Though this technology is amazing and could provide a lifesaving tool to the families of premature babies, it's hard not to imagine a dystopian future where we can watch human children develop in plastic bags. Right now, that future is far away, but watching a lamb fetus squirm in a bag makes it feel closer than ever."


My questions to you about this and other technologies such as gene editing and mRNA vaccines are these:

  1. Where is the ethical oversight of these experiments?

  2. Where is the public debate before allowing these experiments on creatures let alone humans?

  3. Who is responsible for preserving the sanctity of life? I think it obvious that we, humanity, are the ones who are responsible for protecting and preserving life on Planet Earth, and all that life represents, so my last question is:

  4. Do we allow these idiots to fiddle with Life's Godscript: DNA? Of course not!

What I fear most is we are having these technologies foisted upon us by mad scientists, psychopathic billionaires, and corrupt politicians. Once these technologies are out of their bags, there may be no going back, no matter how horrible and permanent the consequences might be.

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Philip Hayward
Feb 01, 2022

I repeat what I said on another thread: fooo, what could possibly go wrong? Are there no "mystery" illnesses that medical scientists CANNOT KNOW they might be inducing in the course of their God-playing????

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Feb 02, 2022
Replying to

This like out of a Dummer and Dummer movie.


Feb 01, 2022

Oh my goodness, yes, Huxley was another visionary!

Science, devoid of the desire to understand and cooperate with the natural dynamics, is just another Frankenstein, an expression of misdirected human ego. The natural workings of Creation are exquisite and intricately balanced. It is a scientist's job to investigate, reflect, understand, and then SAFELY apply those learnings - NOT to see only part of the big picture and then egotistically assume they can create something better than Creation itself...therein lies the suffering of the human race! Look what that kind of scientist has already done to emaciate our human family in only the past 100 years. I have been saying for decades that the 20th century will go down in hi…


Jan 31, 2022

Straight out of 'Brave New World' by Aldous Huxley.

As a therapist, many of my clients have experienced miscarriages. During therapy, they are able to talk to the unborn child and invariably the child tells them that it's fine, I'm fine, I was not meant to be born at that time. Often they simply had some karmic duty to perform before they incarnated at a later time. I am therefore concerned for the spiritual aspects of keeping alive a miscarried foetus. this seems that it is going against spiritual and karmic law, and who knows what the consequences of this could be? There is far more to life and living than mere physicality, although I wouldn't expect the scientis…

Feb 01, 2022
Replying to

Absolutely...the unseen spiritual realms are an intricate component of Creation...the more we can connect there, the more we progress in the direction we're meant to...

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