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Writer's pictureGary Moller

We've been very busy

Updated: Apr 1

Busy desk
Not my desk: mine is tidy.

Last Sunday I rode out to visit a young mother who is confined between her bed and the couch following the jab some months ago. Her heart is too weak for much more and she must be wheeled to the bathroom when the need arises. While she is accepted by ACC as a vaccine injury, her treatment is nothing more than a beta-blocker drug - that's all.

On my way out there my phone went and it was another mother with similar health problems. Then, when I got home there were two more cases of jab harm in our email inbox. And, that was my Sunday!

I talked about this with my partner, Alofa. What was on my mind is do I keep my head down, or do I stand tall and speak out about the carnage we are witnessing consequent to this vaccine? With Alofa's support, I have decided not to remain silent but to speak about what we are experiencing and to do so fearlessly. We realise that speaking out may jeopardise our livelihood and my reputation may be attacked, but that is a risk we are now prepared to take. After all, this is still a free society isn't it?

So, a couple of interviews later and the floodgates have opened: Alofa and I are inundated with people, many desperate, some in tears, seeking our assistance for serious complications following the jab. You would not believe the numbers! This jab is hurting a lot of people and at least 95% are not reported to CARM. It has to stop.

Alofa and I can not cope with the number of calls for help. there is only the two of us. The purpose of this message is to ask you for your patience if you have written to me seeking assistance. I will get around to it.

One solution I am working on to ease the workloads is a series of self-help articles for you. Keep an eye out for them. However, I will be in touch personally, if you are waiting on me. Just bear with me a while, please.

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4 comentarios

13 ene 2022

I can't thank you and Alofa for what you are doing. There are very few "Mother Theresa's" in this world, you are a male version of her. If there were more people willing to do what you are this whole scam would be over. It is so hard to comprehend that there are so many evil people out there and these same people are so willing to have people put their lives on the line knowing full well the consequences. A Nuremberg Trial 2 is what is required.

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
13 ene 2022
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The number of reports of harm, including death, is now a flood and the censors on FB and elsewhere do not look like they are managing. We must keep chipping away at the lies and it will soon crumble and collapse. It could within the month. We must all keep the pressure on. Now more than ever.

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maureen adair
maureen adair
12 ene 2022

thank you for being so brave- you are often in our thoughts as to the grate work you are doing for people. we are in little old Reefton and the neg. stuff happening just beggars belief, numbers have to swing soon. even in reefton people are talking about the work you are doing for your community

take very good care of yourselves as the powers that be will not like all this

love and light


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Gary Moller
Gary Moller
12 ene 2022
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It is lovely to hear from you, Maureen. You may not know that we were in Reefton early last year and we asked after you but your were away at the time. We asked the people we met who knew you to let you know. We will win this. Kiwis are far too fair-minded and sensible to allow this nonsense to continue.

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