Saturday, 3 September, 2.30 pm-4 pm
Alison White of the Safe Food Campaign wrote this to me:
Hi Gary,
Would you please consider sharing details of this event?
Our food at risk – 3 talks online
Did you know that New Zealand children have higher levels of the insecticide chlorpyrifos in their blood than in some other countries, such as the USA and Spain?
Public health researcher Alison White will look at a study published this year at an online talk and what we can do about it. A parliamentary petition will be launched, urging the urgent reassessment and ban of the controversial insecticide known to damage children’s brains and their neurodevelopment.
“Chlorpyrifos is now banned in at least 39 different countries, including the EU, UK and Canada,“ commented Ms White, who is Co-convenor of the Safe Food Campaign. “Children are particularly at risk from exposure to even minute amounts of chlorpyrifos, such as residues in food,” she said. “The unborn infant is even more vulnerable: exposure to even very low levels at the foetal stage can result in structural changes in the developing brain and losses in cognitive function, particularly IQ and working memory.”
Online talks will also be given on gene editing by Claire Bleakley and fluoridation in NZ by Mary Byrne.
For more details, people can link to the zoom event for Saturday, 3 September, 2.30 pm-4 pm on the Safe Food Campaign Facebook page, or email
-- Boost your immune system by eating a range of organic vegetables and fruit!