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How to clean your tongue to improve your health

Writer's picture: Gary MollerGary Moller

(Updated 8/4/2024)

Tongue Before any cleaning
Tongue Before any cleaning. It appears to be coated with a thick mat of yeast, fungi, bacteria and dead tissue. Take note of the yellowish colour of the tonsils and other tissues of the back of the mouth and compare this with the same tissue in the "After" photo below.

Tongue after several weeks of cleaning
Tongue after several weeks of cleaning. There is still some room for improvement but what a difference! This person is visibly in better health and feels like it. Note the healthy colour of the tonsils and surrounding tissues. Compare this with the original photo.

When looking carefully at a tongue, if there is a mat of white, grey, or brown matter on it, this is likely made up of yeast, fungi, and bacteria, and dead tissue. Think of this as the "Mother Lode" for infecting the entire body. These bugs will continually shed, infecting other body parts, including the gums, sinuses, gut, and even the lungs, and skin. So every time a person swallows, coughs, sneezes, and even breathes, bugs from the tongue ingest deep into the body, even during sleep. Toxins that are produced may end up in the circulation, giving a "hangover" feeling, and they are a stress on the liver and kidneys.

Chronic infections such as these are common, and they gradually wear people down.

Bad breath may be the first indication of an infected tongue.

If anybody has chronic health issues, such as fatigue or where the gut, sinuses, and lungs are affected, consider that an overgrowth of bugs in the mouth may contribute to the person's ill health and lack of recovery.

Unless your tongue is pristinely clean, please do this using either a manual or electric toothbrush.

  1. Put a little non-fluoridated toothpaste on the dry toothbrush.

  2. Brush the tongue back and forth, right up to the gag-point (you'll get better at this, just like a sword-swallower does with regular practice).

  3. Then brush the teeth and gums.

  4. Rinse and gargle with water, preferably salted.

  5. Spit it all out - don't swallow the contaminated water.

  6. Do this twice a day, every day and for life.

  7. You may gargle once a week with a fluoride-free mouth wash.

  8. Floss at least once a day. Watch the video for guidance on flossing.

Does a tongue-scraper do a better job?

Copper Tongue Scraper from India
Copper Tongue Scraper from India

For best results, do daily tongue-scraping, best in the morning, with twice-daily brushing of the teeth, gums, and tongue.

It may take a week or two to see and smell noticeable improvements in your mouth's health, but it sure is worth doing!

The health benefits of a squeaky-clean tongue and mouth are wonderful and popular with those closest to you.

Health Benefits reported from regular tongue cleaning include:

  1. Less snoring

  2. Clear sinuses

  3. Healthier gums

  4. No more bad breath

  5. Fewer and shorter sore throats

  6. Better digestion

  7. Fewer and shorter urinary tract infections

  8. Healthier skin

  9. More energy


My personal Story

About ten years ago, I began to have trouble with food trapped in what appeared to be pocketing to the left of my mouth behind the tongue. I was also beginning to snore at night, and I had constant bad breath no matter what I did to prevent it. The food trap was particularly worrisome because I could feel the area was constantly inflamed, and chronic inflammation is the precursor to cancer, in this case, tongue or throat cancer.

The dentist was also warning me that my gums were inflamed and receding. No matter how carefully I brushed and flossed my teeth, the gum health didn't improve.

I went to an Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist to investigate the swallowing problem. He confirmed something abnormal and advised I needed a closer exploration under general anaesthetic. I declined and went away to do more on my own, figuring out the root causes of these problems. After all, I had gone most of my life in good health, so I wondered what had changed?

Over the years, I have looked at many tongues, but never had I closely looked at my own! When I finally did look closely, I was rather shocked. My tongue was far from healthy in appearance.

Gary's tongue today.  Clean and healthy.
Gary's tongue today. Clean and healthy.

The result has been quite remarkable:

  • I was no longer snoring other than when lying on my back.

  • I had less bad breath.

  • I had the healthiest gums in many years!

  • Swallowing has improved, and I'm having fewer episodes of food trapped.

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1 Comment

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Jul 10, 2019

Here are few comments in response to the dentist's letter below. I'm very thankful for his contribution:

That scientists have demonstrated that fluoride has antibacterial properties is yet another reason why we should not be putting this nerve agent into out bodies (fluoride is use to manufacture nerve warfare agents such as Sarin Gas). If it also kills stubborn bugs then it is probably not good for human-beings. Readers will gather that I do not like fluoride, nor its cousins, chlorine and bromine. All of these are carcinogens and they may be factors behind the thyroid disease epidemic that afflicts countries like NZ and Australia. They have no place within the human body and should not be in our water.

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