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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Healthy ways to Prevent Dementia

(Updated 2nd August, 2024)


Oiling a brain

Now that I am in my 8th decade, I feel sufficiently qualified and experienced to comment on topics that have to do with health and longevity. This includes what it takes to have a nimble brain that is ageless. The rapid public decline of the President of the United States, Joe Biden, has shone the spotlight on age-related cognitive decline, which I am discussing in this article.

Cognitive decline, or dementia, refers to the gradual worsening of memory, thinking, and problem-solving abilities, and physical abilities such as balance and coordination. This decline can make everyday tasks harder and affect a person's quality of life. While it is associated with ageing, there is no reason why a person should not live to 110 years and still be mentally all there. The truth be known, the causes of dementia are medical drugs, poor diet, toxic exposures, past head injuries, a lack of exercise and mental stimulation, and a lack of purpose in life.

While there are many, the main drivers of dementia these days is the combination of long-term use of pharmaceutical medications, combined with nutrient-poor diets.

No diet, mental training, or exercise programme, on their own, can prevent dementia. But a balanced, multi-factorial approach can help the brain stay healthy and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. Combining the following strategies, including being drugs-free, nutrient-dense food, and lifestyle factors like regular exercise, mental stimulation, and adequate sleep can further enhance brain health and longevity.

So, without further ado, let's get into it!

Listen to my RCR Podcast with Paul Brennan:


Be Medication-Free

Limiting the use of medications, particularly those that affect the central nervous system, can be beneficial for brain health. Some medications, especially in older adults, can contribute to cognitive decline and should be used cautiously and under medical supervision. I have found that medicines that speed up cognitive decline include blood pressure, cholesterol, asthma, arthritis, pain, and inflammation, hormone therapy, and mood disorders.

For example, in the case of the President of the United States, the tipping point resulting in his rapid decline may be the COVID mRNA jab:

One concerning issue related to Biden's declining mental sharpness is that he strongly supported "the jab," a vaccination that South Korean researchers have associated with a higher likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.

The Korean's analysis of people aged 65 and older revealed that those who were administered mRNA vaccines had a notably higher occurrence of cognitive decline within three months after vaccination in comparison to those who weren't vaccinated.

Is this a contributing factor to Biden's rapid decline in recent years? I think it is.

Be aware of "Tipping Points" in health

Health tipping points can be compared to a child leaning too far back on a chair, where everything appears stable until they go just a little too far and end up falling hard to the ground. An old person might be doing well, both physically and mentally. But some things can suddenly make them reach their limit, which can cause a big decline that everyone is surprised by. Common triggers include infections, falls, surgeries, car accidents, the loss of a loved one, or changes in medication.

Think about it: When you are tired and exhausted, or unwell with the flu, you cannot think straight and are probably very grumpy. Well, just imagine any kind of variant, or event like this with an elderly person and there is their catastrophic tipping point.

These events can overwhelm the body and mind's ability to cope, transforming an apparently healthy state into a crisis, and further deterioration, including the rapid onset of dementia, to the shock and dismay of everyone.

Reduce toxic exposures

We all know that the child's brain is extremely sensitive to a wide range of chemicals and toxic elements such as mercury and lead. While it is not so obvious in mature adults, these toxins, which are ubiquitous in today's environment, are still harmful to their brains. Farmers and tradies who get their hands dirty working with chemicals, exhaust fumes, and treated timber, are at greatest risk in New Zealand. Other sources of toxic exposure include the fluoride in water, water off a roof, and arsenic found in some natural thermal hot pools. The best way to determine the presence of toxins, such as lead, mercury, and arsenic, often from decades ago, is to do a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA).

Eat Traditional Nutrient-Dense Foods

A diet rich in traditional, nutrient-dense foods provides the essential vitamins and minerals that support brain function. Emphasise whole foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, fresh proteins, and fats from a variety of sources, including animal products. These foods supply antioxidants, anti-inflammatory compounds, and essential nutrients like omega-3 and a wide range of other essential fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, vitamins B6, B12, and folate, which are vital for cognitive health​​.

Ensure there is fat in your diet. The human brain is composed of approximately 60 percent fat. This high-fat content is important for the brain to work well. Fats are important parts of the brain's cell membranes and help protect nerve fibres and make it easier for signals to travel between neurons.

Free-range, grass-fed-sourced full cream milk, butter, eggs, olive oil, coconut oil, fatty fish, and the fat from grass-fed meat are excellent brain foods.

Fat-soluble vitamins, which include vitamins A, D, E, and K, are essential for various functions in the brain. They play crucial roles in maintaining cognitive function, protecting neurons, and supporting overall brain health. Vitamin A is vital for neurodevelopment and cognitive function. Vitamin D aids in neuroprotection and mood regulation. Vitamin E provides antioxidant protection and maintains membrane integrity. Vitamin K is involved in the synthesis of critical brain lipids and regulates brain calcium levels. Ensuring adequate intake of these vitamins is important for preventing cognitive decline and supporting long-term brain health. If your diet is low in fresh, unprocessed fats and oils from animal sources, then, by default, your diet will surely be low in the fat-soluble vitamins.

Salt your food with multi-mineral salt. Think of all those elderly people on severely salt-restricted diets. The consequences of salt-restriction are many and include poor digestion, fatigue, brain fog, and confusion, and infections including pneumonia. Salt is usually restricted to reduce blood pressure. However, fewer than 10 percent of hypertensives are due to excess salt. So, unless a person is diagnosed with salt-related hypertension, there are no upsides to restricting multi-mineral salt intake — there are only downsides.

Traumatic brain injury

Traumatic brain injury (TBI) can contribute to dementia later in life by causing immediate damage to brain cells and initiating a cascade of events that result in long-term neurodegeneration. Additionally, TBI can trigger inflammation and oxidative stress, further damaging brain cells and increasing the risk of developing dementia. So, wear a helmet when doing risky things like riding a bike. Do everything you can to avoid blows to the head and keep strong and agile throughout life.

Do Daily Exercise That Challenge Balance and Coordination

Engaging in daily physical activity that challenges balance and coordination can enhance brain function and delay the onset of dementia. Exercises such as tai chi, yoga, and dance not only improve physical health but also stimulate the brain through complex movement patterns​​. Stand on one leg at a time several times each day.

Commune with Mother Nature

Spending time in nature can have profound effects on mental health and cognitive function. Walking in nature, gardening, or just enjoying a walk, or sitting in the park can help you feel less stressed, happier, and more well-rounded. These things are all important for keeping your brain healthy.

Do or Learn New Things Every Day

Keeping the brain active through continuous learning and new experiences can build cognitive reserves, which help protect against dementia. Activities like reading, puzzles, learning a new language or musical instrument, and doing hobbies make different parts of the brain work better and help your brain grow.

Don't get too comfortable

As we age, it becomes natural to fall into familiar routines and settle into a comfortable lifestyle. This is not always a bad thing, because we have worked hard to get what we have. But it is important to remember that if we do not often try new things, we might lose our physical and mental abilities. To prevent dementia, regularly push yourself out of your comfort zone to challenge your mind and body. This involves learning new skills, solving complex problems, and engaging in physical activities that test and, ultimately, extend your abilities. By consistently striving to be uncomfortable in these ways, while still enjoying the rewards of what you have earned, you stimulate your brain, enhance mental and physical strength, and reduce the risk of cognitive decline. ​

Regular Habits, Including Sleep (Including a Siesta)

Maintaining regular habits, particularly in sleep, is crucial for brain health. Adequate sleep helps consolidate memories and clear out brain waste products. A regular sleep schedule and incorporating a short nap during the day (siesta) can improve overall cognitive function and prevent cognitive decline​​.

Seek and foster loving Relationships

Research tells us again and again that being a loner is not good for your health. Strong, loving relationships provide emotional support and reduce stress, which can significantly impact brain health. Social connections and interactions help keep the mind engaged and provide a sense of belonging and purpose​​.

Engage with Your Community

Being active in the community, like volunteering, joining groups, or going to community events, keeps your brain busy and gives you chances to talk to people. This engagement helps maintain cognitive function and reduces the risk of dementia​​.

Having a Higher Cause Than Oneself

Having a purpose or a higher cause than oneself can significantly enhance mental well-being and cognitive health. This could be helping others, following religious beliefs, or working toward personal goals that make you feel important and fulfilled in life.

Nutrients that contribute to brain resilience and neuroregeneration

Your doctor will not tell you this, but there are many great nutrients that are important for having a brain that can handle injury and also for growing new neurons. Yes, the brain can heal and, like any organ such as a muscle, it grows stronger with use. However, without the physical ingredients, fats, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and more, this will not happen. These tissues are not constructed out of thin air. All of the following nutrients can be purchased from our website here:

Here is just a few of the amazing nutrients for enhancing neurogeneration:

Also, there is ample evidence of the neuroprotective properties of some unique foods and nutrients. As a rule of thumb, ensure there is a little of one or more of the following (this is not a complete list):

  • Astaxanthin (found in Algotene)

  • Coenzyme Q10

  • Turmeric

  • Brightly coloured vegetables - red, orange, yellow, and green - the deeper the colour, the better.

  • Deep coloured berries, especially NZ blackcurrant

Do your own research on the internet, looking at the studies for each of these super-nutrients. Use keyword terms with each of these nutrients, such as:

  1. Neuroregeneration

  2. Neuroinflammation

  3. Myelination

  4. Demyelination

  5. Neurotransmitters

  6. Dementia

  7. Alzheimers

  8. Parkinson's

  9. Multiple sclerosis

  10. Motor neurone disease

  11. Cognition

  12. Depression

  13. Anxiety

  14. Suicide ideation

  15. Pain

  16. Inflammation

  17. Heart failure

  18. Fatigue

Go a little hungry each day (intermittent fasting)

It is past midday, Sunday, as I finish this article and, other than a coffee with cream and coconut oil and a few supplements, I have not eaten. I am in a mild fasting state, which I will break shortly with a low-carb meal. Then, an hour or so later, I will be doing up to three hours of steady exercise, cycling over Wellington's hills and trails — Immersing myself in Nature, you could say.

Intermittent fasting enhances neuroregeneration by boosting stem cell activity and increasing growth hormone levels. Fasting triggers autophagy, a process where cells clean out damaged components, and elevates brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which supports neuron growth and brain plasticity. Additionally, fasting raises growth hormone levels, promoting cell growth and repair, and stimulating the proliferation of neural stem cells, especially in the hippocampus. These effects collectively create a beneficial environment for brain repair and cognitive function improvement​.

Ketosis, like fasting, enhances brain health by shifting the body's energy source from glucose to ketones. To get into ketosis, you need to eat a low-carb diet. This will make your body make ketones. These ketones help the mitochondria work better, reduce oxidative stress, and increase brain-derived neurotrophic factors, which help neurons grow and work well. Both ketosis and fasting also promote autophagy, a process that cleans out damaged cells, protects against neurodegenerative diseases, and supports overall brain health​.

Be gentle on yourself!

I am not one for hard-out fasting or ketosis. Instead, I think the benefits can still be gained by taking a gentle approach. We can start a mild fast and ketosis for just a few hours most days, instead of trying these for days at a time. The extremes are too harsh, and most people eventually give up. The gentle approach is as easy as delaying breakfast, keeping carbs low, and exercising daily with a few long endurance sessions added in each week. A long morning walk over your local trails on an empty tummy will do the job.

Handy Tip if anyone is becoming a little forgetful:

To avoid "Groundhog Day" and not getting things done, you or your loved one can make lists of all the things to be done each day. Put the list for the day somewhere that it cannot be missed, like on a door, fridge, or mirror. Have a pen with it so each item is ticked off once completed. Make up a list when going shopping and tick the items off as they are purchased.


Incorporating these strategies into daily life creates a comprehensive approach to maintaining brain health and reducing the risk of dementia. A lifestyle that includes healthy foods, regular exercise, learning, social interaction, and emotional well-being protects against cognitive decline. This helps people live a healthier, more active life.

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