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Writer's pictureGary Moller

Updated: Marc Malone speaks with NZ Farmers on AGENDA 2030: The Replay

Updated: Mar 26

(Updated 7 April 2022)

Begin by watching this two minute video:

and this one:

Here is a PDF file of the slides from Marc's presentation:

Here is the replay for those who missed yesterday's seminar with Marc Malone:

Watch this as well:


“The Government I’m proud to lead is doing something not many other countries have tried. We’ve incorporated the principles of the 2030 Agenda into our domestic policymaking.”

-Jacinda Ardern

September 25, 2019

Join us on March 31 @ noon

Watch and listen as Oxford Philsopher Marc Malone breaks down UN Agenda 2030 for NZ Farmers.

-What is Agenda 2030?

-How will it affect farmers

-Will it affect my family and me?

-Why are they pushing for sustainable development?

-What is sustainable development?

-How is it implemented?

-Can we do anything about it?

Join Marc and our Farmers, along with special guests, as we discuss the devil that lurks in the details and offers solutions to take our country back.

Here is the link for the live broadcast, which begins midday Thursday:

Also, see the latest press release from Marc's latest work:


A message from Mark Thornton:

Good Morning to you all,

Firstly, thank you to all who popped on last night, even if it was just for a few minutes. The technical team got to see how everything will run and were happy with the end result.

All the behind-the-scenes stuff that we don't get to see is very important. So thank you.

Please see below the link for the public to attend:

Please share this with any and all friends that want to understand the nature of these UN initiatives.

We also have a Telegram channel:

And Facebook:

And Instagram:


A few people had questions around the structure of the seminar.

The structure of the seminar will go as follows:

  • Opening with. Jacinda Ardern quote from The Goalkeepers conference, with Bill and Melinda Gates present on stage, re: NZ being on track with Agenda 2030.

  • I will briefly introduce everyone for brevity. When you hear your name, give us a wave. Happy days.

  • I will do a monologue to set the stage for our talk

  • Marc will tell us about himself, his credentials and what has happened in his life to inform his worldview.

  • Marc will identify the Agenda with supporting evidence (I will note any names/organistaions/historical-moments that he drops for people to verify themselves i.e Sibigniew Brzezinski, Tri-Lateral Commision)

  • Marc will riff his way through how we got here, touching on, as mentioned, historical analysis, trauma and behavioural conditioning, Sustainable Development, how to identify these policies, climate science, and weaponization of science etc.

  • Marc will touch on ESG and the vaccine passport system/ID2020

  • Marc will bring it to what he is doing now at America21 which should be instructive to our people on how we may proceed forward.

  • Closing out his main talk with solutions and a look at what the future may hold, should we want to pursue it.

Everyone will be muted during Marc's presentation...

  • We will then go into questions. How we will do this is..... Organically. As much as I'd like to have a very slick and polished approach, there's something to said about authenticity. So I will field questions from each group and you'll be divided up as follows.

  • Farmers: (Rob, Hamish, Scott, Logan, James, Jaspreet, Sandra, Opae, Derek, Phil)

  • Public figures: (Jaspreet, Gill, Tane, Sue, Chantelle, Matt, Brad, Logan)

  • New Media: (Chantelle, Qurious, Glenn & Stacy, Adam, Tane, Brad)

  • Political: (Sandra, Rob, Sue, Matt)

  • Health and Wellness (Tracy, Ximena, Gary, Mishaela, Shiree)

**We are going to be fielding questions from the public through Telegram Chats, shall we come up short (I doubt we will)

** Some of you have appeared in two camps and that's fine as I believe you represent these and the floor is open to you more so.

** Please use this opportunity to ask a question as concisely and thoughtfully as possible (economy of words).

** Helpful hints for homework beforehand is:

  • ESG (environment, social, governance scoring) a corporate scheme that'll seep in so as to condition behaviours in the corporate sphere first. Corporate will do the heavy lifting just as it did with the mandates.

  • SDGs

  • Local initiatives (think Auckland 2050.. no doubt is riddled with UN policy)

  • Jacindas ties to the World Econonmic Forum

  • The removal of economically viable energy (marsden point)

  • SNA's initiatives

  • Three waters

  • Electric vehicles

** Lets stay away Opinion and divisive issues such as Vaccines, Media, Trump (lol), Police brutality. These are 'no- brainers' and we want to cover the more Meta level, big picture stuff of how NZ , and the world will be impacted.

** Most importantly. Have fun. Don't be shy to show that Kiwi warmth and humor. Marc is a great guy and isn't above common folk at all.. after all WE, the common folk will need to fix this mess.


Feel free stay in and chat for another 20-30 minutes if you feel. It may be a good opportunity to get down to brass tacks on NZ specific issues and get the ball rolling an action plan and for people to connect.

This will be recorded for all to share and do with as they see fit. Will Send an invite to the Zoom attendees separate from this email. Huge thanks to you all. Regards, Mark


Some additional comments by Gary:

This seminar is so important - be ready to have your minds blown by Marc Malone!

Two years ago, Agenda 2030, as promoted by the World Economic Forum (WEF), and their talk about the "Great Reset" was dismissed as a conspiracy theory. However, it is no longer a theory, it is a conspiracy, and the conspiracists are now out in the open about their plans for the globe, including New Zealand. Actually, I think New Zealand has a key role in the WEF's plans, and our farmers are a barrier that needs to be removed for these plans to advance. No doubt, Marc will explain.

Here's my speculative take on one of several reasons why New Zealand is so important to their plans:

The intention of those behind the WEF is to collapse the economies of the West, cause incomprehensible chaos, including the possibility of outright war, and collapse populations by as much as 90%. I'm not kidding; this is what they are talking openly about nowadays - this is no longer a secret, and it is underway. Other plans include capturing the world's assets by the elite one per cent who are behind the WEF, including all of the arable lands and water. A few elites will own the farmland, and we will stay alive by eating artificial meat grown from soy. What is not arable will be forest, as is already happening in New Zealand.

Why is New Zealand so important for this takeover? First, I think New Zealand is one of the "Bolt Holes" or sanctuaries for the elite to hide in while the chaos of the Great Reset engulfs the world. Then, when the chaos dies down, they can emerge from the safety of their New Zealand estates, and they will own everything. Actually, I think New Zealand will be one of the centres for the New Beginning: It will be a society governed by a few elite people with the assistance of artificial intelligence (AI). So new Zealand will be critical, as might Australia, if the Northern Hemisphere remains hostile to human life for too long, such as if there is contamination from nuclear or biological warfare. This speculation seems to fit with why New Zealand appears to be leading the way for the Great Reset.

Here is a video below that shows their vision of the AI city of the future (It looks idyllic, but it isn't, it's sterile, impersonal, everything is monitored, and note the lack of people since this is set in Japan, so where have all the other people gone?).

What upsets me is these plans by the WEF are proceeding full steam ahead without us, the people, being consulted. I agree that we need to reduce the population, reduce poverty, and reduce stress on the natural world, but I want to be consulted about how we go about it. I certainly do not want a handful of greedy self-entitled elites deciding the future for my children and the planet.

This mind-boggling and disturbing stuff is enough to induce an anxiety attack. However, the best way to avoid anxiety is not to bury one's head in the sand but to take positive action so that we, the people, are in control of our lives. This presentation by Marc Malone to the farmers of New Zealand is one of many actions that you and your community can participate in as we regain control of this beautiful country.

Be there tomorrow, Midday:, and invite your friends to join in; the more, the merrier. If they want to keep in contact with developments, I recommend they sign up for my website's newsletter updates.


Here's an interesting video NZ Reserve Bank quietly had a discussion document late last year about introducing this into NZ:

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Gary Moller
Gary Moller

And another person sent me this, copied from an article by Joseph Mercola:

Story at-a-glance

  • The globalist cabal wants to monopolize health systems worldwide, and a stealth attack is already underway in the form of an international pandemic treaty, proposed by the World Health Organization

  • The treaty is a direct threat to a nation’s sovereignty to make decisions for itself and its citizens, and would erode democracy everywhere. Not only would the treaty empower the WHO to mandate COVID jabs and vaccine passports globally, it could potentially also expand the WHO’s power to dictate all health care policy worldwide

  • The treaty would also give the WHO the power to censor health information worldwide. This would be disastrous, as the WHO…


Gary Moller
Gary Moller

I'm pasting an email from a reader. Would others mind commenting? Dear Gary Moller

Thank you very much for sending me the link to today's talk with Marc

Malone. I found Marc Malone's discussion very challenging, and wonder

how long this has all been in the wind? I suspect that people who are

now in their 40's have been getting trained on this, for almost all of

their lives. I have a family member, who I believe has been involved a

long time.

I can now understand how Jacinda had the nerve, to come in after the

election, with the ideas she had, and why I have found the time since

the last election so very hard to cope in. And,…



Thanks for all the work you’re doing Gary.

Your articles stand high among the many.


Deborah Manhire
Deborah Manhire

You're spot on with why NZ is the preferred location of the elites,except my thoughts are it's the South Island they desire more.3 deep sea ports,new city of CHCH,shipping container hub in Rolleston CHCH,desirable climate change compared to the North,huge new data storage site being built down South,and of course Queenstown.

Deborah Manhire
Deborah Manhire

Yes it totally has...I've missed most of the livestream unfortunately,will you be putting it up so we can view later please? If so where will it be put...on facebook page?


Gary Moller
Gary Moller

Portia, I'll make sure the replay is on my website so that nobody misses out.


Thank you, Gary! 🤓

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