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  • Writer's pictureGary Moller

Look at What They Write in German about NZ!

Updated: Apr 5


Peter F. Mayer, science journalist in Vienna, writes about Guy

Hatchard's report on N.Z. mortality, and on other stuff like rules on

Medication, fluoride in drinking water, or folic acid. Mayer concludes:

"Because it is an island, NZ was and is an ideal test laboratory for WHO

and its dominating pharma and health industries to evaluate the 'success' of

the measures. The numbers are on the table. What conclusions are drawn?

Course correction? Or more of the same? -- Indeed, it continues with

more intensity, so we must conclude that the results are expected and


Read the articles here:

Wake up New Zealand!


My German friend, Ulf Martin, is the source for this article and the information contained. Ulf runs the website "Weltexperiment Corona":

There's also a Telegram blog where he recently increased the percentage

of English postings:

Last posting reports the Berlin-based American playwright CJ Hopkins on


Ulf recommends CJH's stuff:

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