"Gary, When I read the Introduction Chapter of your book, I laughed so much I forgot all about my back pain!"- William
At some time in our lives, just about all of us will suffer back pain. Many will be plagued by ongoing and often unpredictable bouts of pain and disability. Low back pain, back injury, sciatica and nerve pain, muscle strain, back surgery, lumbar disk protrusion, sacroiliac pain - if any of these apply to you, or if you just want to keep your back strong and healthy, this is the book for you. While researching for this book, I was struck with the rather bland and sometimes depressing writing style of the books out there for people who are hurting. My decision was to write this in a chatty and sometimes humorous style, just to cheer up my readers and to also let them know that the so-called "expert" writing this book who knows all too well what a terrible affliction back pain can be.
I also identified a huge abys in most current advice: how, who and where to get help and what to do as first aid when you first injure your back? The book includes 10 Tips for a Healthy Back. Back Pain guides the reader through the process of what to do from the moment a back injury happens, how to apply first aid, when to get medical help, and how to assess what works. It advises about ongoing care and maintenance, including advice on exercise and diet. Back Pain includes a helpful chapter "Ten tips for a better back" and has graded exercises that progress from a bed-ridden state to resuming full function.
Even if you don't currently suffer back pain, prepare now while you are able! Besides, the odds are that someone close to you is suffering back pain right now. Consider purchasing this book as a gift to them.
“I just wanted to say that your Back Care book is great! I gave it to my mother who has some back problems and I was unsure if she would pay attention as she is not one for taking advice really. However, she obviously liked how you talked in the chapters and related to it as did I! So thank you very much for producing something that inspires all sorts of people into caring for a vital but often overlooked thing such as our 'backs'. - Steph”
At just $19 you simply can't go wrong with this offer. That's the equivalent to spending on just one bottle of pain killers. You'll pay twice that when you go to the doctor and that again each time you go to a Physiotherapist or chiropractor. You can't lose, so what are you waiting for?
Massage: the great reliever!
If you are suffering back pain there will be a diffuse muscle spasm affecting the entire lower back, gluteals and down the legs. Nerves will be squeezed and irritated worsening sciatica pain. This is a natural protective response to brace the spine but it becomes counterproductive if it persists for more than a few days.
Clues that it is mostly due to muscle spasm are:
Morning stiffness.
Static standing and sitting make things worse.
Lying on your back for long makes the pain worse.
Walking and other gentle, rhythmic exercise seems to give temporary relief.
If this is the case, then do the following:
Have a daily soak in a hot bath with a cup of Epsom Salts. https://www.garymoller.com/product-page/pacific-health-epsom-salts-magnesium-sulphate
Have a once-a-week deep tissue massage on your gluteal, thigh, hamstring and low back muscles. I find that Thai massage therapists can be very good at this, but any experienced sports masseur should be able to break the spasm, relieving sciatic pain. Shop around. You need to invest in 4-6 weekly sessions to have lasting relief.
Take the following supplements daily (I'll write the doses on the labels for you). https://www.garymoller.com/product-page/pure-nac-900-mg-120-capsules https://www.garymoller.com/product-page/dr-wilson-s-super-adrenal-stress-formula-150-tab https://www.garymoller.com/product-page/solgar-cod-liver-oil-100-capsules ORTHOPLEX BIOACTIVE LIPIDS - 120 CAPS
Get a hair tissue mineral analysis done to help identify the root causes of your pain and inflammation. You never quite know what is going on. For example, we identified extreme mercury toxicity in a recent case of severe back pain with neurological involvement. The mercury came from eating tuna and swordfish. Without identifying the mercury contamination, no physical therapy or drugs is going to succeed for this person. Here is the test and consultation to order: Link to HTMA Order Link to Book a Consultation If you reside overseas, contact me via this website for advice about how to get this test done.
Take control of your back pain now and kick it!
"This is the most refreshing and practical book I have read about back pain. Thank you." Mary