I'm inviting you to my free one hour webinar which outlines the strategy I use to be the best, including becoming the Back-to-back UCI Masters Mountain-Biking World Champion.
It is 8 pm today, Thursday, 29/07/21, done and dusted in an hour.
If you can't make it, do not worry, there will be a recording later.
Please note that the meeting link and ID have changed since my first notice about this last week. Here is the one that works.
Gary Moller is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/91878371595?pwd=OE42b2tuRWJ6RloxQW1FUEJWdXB1UT09 Meeting ID: 918 7837 1595
You will need this code to enter:
Passcode: 381807
While this presentation is for everyone, I think teenagers and young adults will find it particularly helpful.
See you all there!
This best-selling book by Dr Paul Wood is essential reading. Get a copy now from your local bookshop or online.