Christian Davey, one of New Zealand's most promising triathletes, dropped off some samples of Fernglen Farm sheep milk for us to try.
I have been promoting the merits of NZ beef and lamb as the most environmentally friendly and sustainable - and humane - form of animal protein production. Milking sheep never really occurred to me so having the opportunity to try some locally produced sheep milk was most welcome.
So, what do we think of sheep milk? We liked it. It was creamy and tasty. We definitely recommend it just on taste alone, let alone the health benefits and the low impact this form of farming has on the environment.
It is at least twice as expensive as cow milk but that is hardly a surprise. I'd imagine that milking enough sheep to get a viable volume of milk would be quite labour-intensive.
Note: we are not being paid to say this. I'm writing about Fernglen simply because I think this is a good product that is great for the environment.