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  • Writer's pictureGary Moller

An Interview with Sarah

Updated: Apr 29

(Updated 30th March, 2024)

In this compelling video, I talk with Sarah, who experienced devastating heart damage mere hours after receiving the mRNA vaccine. Sarah shares her heart-wrenching story, shedding light on her personal journey and the challenges she faced. This powerful interview aims to raise awareness and provide a platform for those who've endured similar experiences. Viewer discretion is advised as Sarah's account is deeply emotional and impactful. Thank you for taking the time to view and listen to this important conversation.

Watch the video now, because it may be taken down at any time because of it's content.

Here's further reading and research, from a source that trounces the misinformation that spouts forth from the Podium of Truth. It leaves no doubt that Sarah's case is far from rare:


Sep 29, 2023

I am very interested in following this courageous young woman's journey. Thank you Sarah for doing this interview. I hope you get better. God bless.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Oct 26, 2023
Replying to

Thank you!

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