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Writer's pictureGary Moller

About Ehrler-Danlos Syndrome

Updated: Mar 14

Socrates quote

A patient wrote:

"Constipation has been a long term thing since I was a kid, unfortunately leading to regular hemorrhoids and an inguinal hernia in 2019 - still untreated. I should have mentioned, I do suspect EDS, though I have never been tested for it but I have hypermobility, quite stretchy skin, gut issues, the aforementioned hemmies and hernia, blood pooling around the body (which has been slotted into Erythromelalgia because no one really knows what it is) - all possible signs."

This person, like others with suspected or diagnosed to have Ehroler-Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a devastating and incurable condition affecting connective tissue, has a common presentation on their hair tissue mineral analyses (HTMA), which I'll explain in this article.

Please read the following articles to learn more about EDS then come back here to continue reading what I have written about this devastating condition:

My condolences to the families. There have been too many deaths lately.

I won't comment on any specific cases, but, instead, they'll be of a more general nature.

Is Ehrler-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) Always an Entirely Gene-Driven Disorder?

Unless the person has had a gene test that identifies a genetic abnormality for the condition, then it's irresponsible to label the condition "genetic" because there could be many other forces at work.

In fitting with the wise words of Socrates (470–399 BCE) is the concept of how the "Perfect Storm" applies to health issues, including the conditions that are typically labelled incurable:

My Experience with EDS

My experience with EDS is an interesting one. When testing by hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA), one common factor leaps out for people (all of them women) with EDS, and this is either copper toxicity and/or lead toxicity. Interestingly, similar patterns were observed in males with hypermobile skin and joints, but were diagnosed with behavioural disorders such as dyslexia and ADHD and not EDS.

Here are some HTMA that I've pulled out where EDS was their medical diagnosis, or they displayed EDS-like symptoms, such as excessive joint and skin elasticity, anxiety, disordered eating, gut issues, migraines, ADHD, and dyslexia.

Please note that, regardless of what a genetic test may show, the following charts clearly show things that the individual patient has great control over. HTMA empowers the person and they do get well when they follow the guidelines.

Here are HTMA of several people with EDS, or with signs and symptoms that raise the possibility of the condition:


The two immediate take-away points about the above examples are these:

  1. Despite conditions like EDS being‌ "incurable", there are many things a person can do to improve their condition. Removing toxins like lead and aluminium and balancing minerals such as manganese, copper, and zinc, and improving the function of organs such as the liver and adrenals aren't exclusively tied to things "incurable", nor to genetics.

  2. Despite shared signs and symptoms, there's no one-size-fits-all remedy. Each person, while there may be shared similarities, has different needs, as can be seen by their HTMA.

Low Calcium and Magnesium

Calcium and magnesium play essential roles in how the brain functions, including for anxiety, depression, sleep, and preventing migraines. Like all minerals, they must be in balance with others and not too much or too little. Low calcium may be a clue to hidden toxins such as lead, cadmium, and aluminium, or levels higher than seen on HTMA.

Calcium and magnesium are important for all connective tissues, including the hair, skin, nails, gut, bones, and joints.

The Copper and Zinc Connection

Copper and zinc regulate the cross-linking of collagen, determining the strength and integrity of all connective tissue. These elements must be in balance with each other and not too much or too little.

Together, they play important roles in the production of ‌female and male hormones, neurotransmitters, and the structure of the brain.

When tissue copper rises, as happens during pregnancy, there's an increase in tissue elasticity, which is essential for the safe passage of the baby during the birthing process. If there is excess copper outside of pregnancy, then connective tissue and mental health disorders may develop.

If the collagen is thin, weak, stretched, and prone to tearing, (plus infections like candida, which I'll touch on later), think of what this can mean for the digestive tract! It is no surprise that EDS sufferers have serious gut issues.

Factors that contribute to copper toxicity or an imbalance between copper and zinc include:

  • History of Glandular Fever, Hepatitis, or similar.

  • Drinking water that's copper-contaminated.

  • Use of contraceptives, oral, and implants. Copper=oestrogen (IUD).

  • Mother was copper-toxic (placental transfer — common).

  • Zinc deficiency or loss (common).

For elaboration and a long list of conditions associated with copper, please go here:

You'll notice that many of the symptoms of copper toxicity resemble those for toxic elements such as lead. When you think about it, lead and copper have remarkably similar physical properties.

A special Mention About Disordered Eating

Disordered eating such as anorexia, bulemia, pica, and picky eating are on the increase. There's a distinct connection between these disorders and the zinc-copper balance in particular. If zinc is deficient, absolute, or relative to copper, then the appetite, smell, and taste centres are affected and my become dysfunctional. We often see these conditions arise during ‌periods of high demand, such first trimester of pregnancy (morning sickness) and during the growth spurts of a child.

And the Role of Copper and Zinc for Preventing Infection

Gardeners know the importance of nutrients like zinc, manganese, magnesium, and copper for preventing infection. Where there are imbalances, toxicities and deficiencies, and sometimes complicated by elements like lead, the person is rendered vulnerable to infections. In the context of this discussion, it is the vulnerability to yeast, viral , andfungal infections such as candida, eczema, thrush, and UTIs. These are factors in most gut disorders, including IBS, Crohns, and IBS.

Toxic Elements such as Lead, Arsenic, Mercury, and Aluminium

These toxins have many detrimental effects on health. In the context of this discussion, it's their blocking or displacement of important nutritional elements, especially calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, chromium, and selenium. All of these nutritional elements play important roles in the production and maintenance of healthy connective tissues, digestion, and for mental health. You can read more about these vital roles here:

When, for instance, there's already an issue with copper and zinc, even tiny amounts of a toxin like aluminium can have catastrophic effects on a person's mental and physical health, including their connective tissue (hair, skin, nails, bones, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, gut, lungs - everything!).

So, Doesn't My Doctor and Patient Advocacy Organisations Know About this Stuff?

You tell me!

I can only speculate:

  • Doctors get as good as nil nutritional education, let alone understanding the complex. Orchestrated interplay between the elements of the universe, when training.

  • The pharmaceutical industry dominates medicine, and they call the shots about what is learned and practised.

  • Big Pharma may have compromised patient advocacy agencies or they may have their own barrows to push, such as the continuance and confirmation of their victimhood.

So, do People with EDS get better?

Absolutely they do! Merely removing toxins like lead and aluminium makes a world of difference to a person's health, whether they have EDS or not! But these things take time - several months, if not years, and it's a never-ending process to balance nutrients throughout life's stages. For some people, they must be more diligent and work harder than others. That's just the way it is.

There's no such thing as a cure but more an extended process of improvement, so these people can better function and get on with their lives.

But here's the thing: Whether it's EDS or any other chronic or incurable condition, there are so many well-intentioned but poorly-informed health professionals, officials, and others who undermine a patient's self-help efforts every step of the way. There's no support from the medical profession, from insurers, the Ministry of Health, orACC, other than to take the drugs, get the surgery, and bear their burden quietly and passively. The soon-to-be repealed Therapeutic Products Act is an example of how the war against natural therapies is being waged.

People these days are also conditioned to expect instant gratification and results and not prepared to put in a sustained effort that may have to continue for years for there to be significant and lasting results. For these reasons, and more, such as the unsubsidised costs, most people either give up or dabble ineffectively.

In contrast, the people who do well are the ones who understand the evidence, such as those presented with HTMA, then dive into the therapy while not allowing any barriers to get in their way, including the cost, the time, the inconvenience, or the put-downs by those around them — all excuses for giving up. These are the goal-directed and focused people who make my day!

Treat the Person and Not the Disease!

I began this discussion with a quotation from Socrates, and this idea applies to conditions such as EDS. I'll now add the following:

Body, heal thyself!

The key to managing better, sometimes incurable conditions such as EDS, is to support our bodies in doing what they are genetically programmed to do, and that is faithfully keeping us in a state of perfect health for 110 years. What this comes down to is using HTMA technology to identify imbalances, deficiencies, and toxins, then set about correcting what's found through nutrition and lifestyle-based strategies.

I haven't covered everything in this article, but I think this is enough for now.

One final thing: Should an Immune-Compromised or Infirm Person Get the mRNA Booster?

Have the medical experts advocating mRNA boosters not read the evidence that mRNA boosters don't protect against COVID and, in fact may increase health risk, including the so-called "turbo-charging" of existing conditions? I assume this applies to their EDS patients who are struggling to survive. The booster may be the final straw that ends their life.

Also, have they not heard of "herd immunity" where the vulnerable are surrounded by the strong ones who have immunity, either through natural infection or by vaccination? Especially when it involves an untested experimental vaccine, it just doesn't make sense to attempt to immunise the immunocompromised.

I'll be writing about this matter of herd immunity soon, including presenting convincing evidence of the superiority of naturally-acquired immunity protection against COVID19 over mRNA "immunity".

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Philip Hayward
Dec 08, 2023

EDS came onto my radar because I was researching and self-treating Fibromyalgia. Many people with EDS are initially diagnosed with FM because they have tenderness in many of the same spots. But people with EDS are hyper-mobile, and people with FM as I have come to understand it, are the opposite; we have restricted limb range of mobility.

I believe, and there are researchers working on this, that connective tissue exists on a spectrum of states including strength and flexibility. There are disorders that result in it being too thin, stretchy and fragile, and there are disorders that result in it being thick / calcified / ossified / adhered / contractured. Bone spurs are of course, calcification creeping along the…

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Dec 13, 2023
Replying to

Again, thankyou for your insights, Phillip!

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