Please click here to view the short video presentation of my Sunday ride: https://www.relive.cc/view/933975483
Photo Album #1

An early morning start from Brooklyn, Wellington City

Coffee in Eastbourne. Last refreshment stop before diving into the remote Wairarapa Coastline!

Bluebridge Ferry leaving Wellington Harbour for the South Island.
Bluebridge is the way to go, if you have a bike on board.

Heading to Pencarrow Lighthouse, Wellington Harbour entrance.

The people you meet in such out of the way places: Keith Stewart, a running mate from almost 20 years ago!

Yoiks! What do we see yonder?

Looking back to Pencarrow

One coastal trader that did not quite make it.

Into the real remote stuff from here.

Heading North East. Great riding!

More wonderful trail. And so remote!

Some curious locals.

Not a soul to be seen from one horizon to the next.

More curious locals

Wild and stunning scenery

Well, what a day for reunions! Two rivals from our multisports days of the late 70's and early 80's and haven't seen them for decades: Dean and Brent Harrison!

The nicely groomed trail is no more! Replaced by screeds of gravel, the consequence of last week's horrific storms.

More and more gravel!

More gravel scree as far as the eye can see.

Streams galore!
Photo Album #2

I'm the first person they've seen in two days.
What a great trip for the young fellow!

More wild and remote country

This is hard going!

Breath-taking stuff!

You should be getting the idea, by now, why I love mountain-biking

Yes, this is rideable - just!

Two keen ladies. I wonder how they got on? Tough trip after all the storm damage to the trail.

Another wow!

Some of these streams were up to the level that require caution when crossing on one's own.

That hillside track is looking rather fragile!

Made it to the Lake Onoke side at last!

A well-earned feed!

Lake Onoke beckons.

Dropped in on our old friends, the Goodings, for a cuppa and a feed, but no one home.
One very friendly guard dog.

Next stage, the Rimutaka Railway incline.

Yep, just ate the last of my croissonts.

Half way up the Incline.

The tunnel through the mountain.

The summit on the other side.
Now it is the long grind back to Wellington.

Finally, Wellington and I made it with a few hours of daylight to spare - yeeha!