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Writer's pictureGary Moller

How do we reduce Microplastics in the Oceans and Food Chain?

Updated: Mar 9

Image of where plastics contaminate

"Larger fish and other marine species feed on creatures like salps, potentially allowing microplastics to enter the food chain, the researchers say, working their way up to contaminate humans' food.

According to the UN Environment Programme, 13 million tonnes of plastic leak into our oceans every year, causing an estimated $13 billion of economic damage to global marine ecosystems."



Inevitably, these toxic particles move up the food chain into you, our children and me. The frightening thing about pumping these toxins into the environment is that they will continue to concentrate in the food chain for another 50 years. That assumes we stop putting these things into the environment from Day One. That won't happen in a hurry!

Plastic on beach

It is possible to quickly minimise the leading cause of contamination, synthetic textiles (refer to the chart above). My brother-in-law, who sent me the article above, is a Big-Wig within the wool industry. He keeps telling us that wool is a wonderful versatile natural fibre.

The solution to reducing pollution by plastics is obvious: to switch to natural fibres such as wool, cotton, hemp, and bamboo. These fibres, including wool, are essentially carbon neutral which is an added environmental bonus.

Come on, everyone: the next time you purchase clothing or linen, look at the labels and make it a superior natural fibre purchase!

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Jun 17, 2021

Have you got Netflix in ZN..? The film "Seaspiracy" is a brilliant exposure of plastic pollution but also overfishing.

"Seaspiracy is a 2021 documentary film about the environmental impact of fishing directed by and starring Ali Tabrizi, a British filmmaker. The film examines various human impacts on marine life and advocates for ending fish consumption".

Here in the UK we have lost most of our fishing capacity due to greed from EU countries especially France and Denmark. France alone in the last two years has killed over 18,500 dolphins in nets in the Bay of Biscay. It's called "bycatch" or accidental capture of one species whilst trying to catch another.

Gary Moller
Gary Moller
Jun 17, 2021
Replying to

Thank you for your observations. Recover. We have yet to watch Seaspiracy but you have prompted is to get a move on. It will be viewed tonight - promise!

It has just been reported here that one of NZ's main fisheries, Terakihi, is down to 15% of where it was some time ago (can't recall).

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