Be there!
Received from the Freedom Alliance:
Sign holding to welcome convoy tomorrow morning
Hi all
As you all know, the convoy is coming to Wellington tomorrow. As we are the home of the Yellow signs we think it's appropriate we hold up our signs as a welcoming gesture to the convoy.
Meet at 7.30am at the Ngati Toa Domain on the Mana Esplanade
We are also going to set up a table with tea, coffee and scones to give to the people in the convoy as they drive (slowly presumably) past us. Please come along and help if you possibly can. We will need as many people as possible to hold signs and help with tea and coffee. Most of us will then head into town to be at the protest in Wellington.
Please RSVP so we have some idea of numbers. And here's a good uplifting video on the convoy to share with everyone you know.
Live Stream here:

Just in:
"FYI- Resistance Kiwi will be on the Paremata overbridge south of the roundabout at 7 am Tues morn to support the ConvoyNZ2022 coming through if you’re keen to join us.
Also, there is a food and supplies drop-off HQ at 143 Grant Road Thorndon if you or anyone you know would like to donate food, drink etc to the convoy drivers of which it’s looking like there will be MANY! Cheers and pass this on to anyone else you think would be keen to get involved".
This freedom convoy, coming to Wellington, from the South and the North, has gone ahead and gathered huge momentum despite a near-complete media blackout.
Alofa and I are taking the day off to be at Parliament. Be there, or be square!
Some sources of information and updates:
I loved the opening with the Lord's prayer and singing the national anthem both in English and in Maori. As I sang, I looked up to the sky and saw the New Zealand flag waving on top of the beehive. Hope, faith and togetherness will see us through it.
I made it to the protest today!
The streets around parliament were chok full of trucks, cars, campers and buses - no traffic could get through for hours - and everyone was peaceful and orderly, and just glad to meet and share their stories, so many of which were incredibly tragic and made me cry.
The convoy was blown away by the hundreds of people in every town and suburb along the length of the country supporting them with posters and flags, and even food and drink at stops.
I stood there, mesmerised at one point, just watching these fellow human beings - our global family - hugging and encouraging each other in their quest for freedom of choice over…
I have been enjoying your blogs Gary. Glad to see we are on the same side against the vax roll out and the despicable damage its done in NZ and around the world. You might remember me from the BNZ - 1978 -85 - where you did staff fitness assessments for the new in house gym in the new BNZ black box etc. I still remember many of your comments around my own results etc. Anyway that was 40 years ago. Hope you are well. take care. Best Regards Kent Richardson. p.s. I've tagged you on LinkedIn, and I am also on Fb if you curious. Cheers
Don't you love it how the mainstream media reports "Nazi symbols" at these events around the world, spun as if the protestors are explicitly saying THEY rather than the government they are protesting against, are Nazis? In so spinning it, the MSM proves THEY are faithful inheritors of the Goebbels tradition, and strengthen the protesters point. At least in the eyes of thinking people, and there needs to be more in that category.
Go Garry... you can hold your head high... you are a true freedom fighter.