If you have not already gathered, Alofa and I have not had the mRNA jab, and we don't intend to. We choose not to for several reasons, including:
We have safety concerns about the mRNA jab (it is best not called a vaccine).
We are showing solidarity with the growing number of people who have suffered serious harm from the jab. I had two more cases of jab-related heart problems yesterday, and that was Sunday - our day off!
We are showing solidarity with those who refuse injection with a useless and potentially dangerous drug. Yes, it is an ineffective drug - it's a dud!
We have absolutely no idea, but plenty of fears of the possible long term harm, including the drug affecting humanity's intergenerational genetics.
We are opposed to injecting this stuff into children and the unborn (pregnant women).
We refuse to participate in practices that divide, isolate and discriminate.
If the jab works, why do we still have to wear a mask, socially isolate, close our borders and lock down the country? If the jab works, then why is there not now herd immunity? If the jab works, why whip up fear and hostility directed at those who choose not to have it?

We have decided to speak out. However, we realise we are making ourselves targets for retribution by speaking out. The possibility of our livelihood and reputation coming under attack is real, as is evidenced by what has happened to a growing number of brave and principled scientists and health professionals.

One vulnerability is meeting with clients in person and failing to obey the unscientific and confusing rules for engagement. If we break the rules in even the slightest way and get fingered by a nark, we will feel the heat, and we do not want any of our clients inadvertently getting caught up in what may go down. What has our country come to when we can trust each other?

For this reason, we will no longer see clients in person at our premises. Instead, all meetings and consultations will be either by phone or video. Of course, you may still do our zero contact pick-ups and drop-offs, but we must play the game to survive. I know you will be disappointed with this decision because there is nothing like in-person contact, but this will be temporary: a lot of good people are working to bring this insanity to an end.
Please write or call us if you have any questions.
Be strong, work together!
I've found this to be a good website for those wanting to follow the research: https://principia-scientific.com/
Hey, everyone!
I really appreciate your input, and I read every comment, although there are times other priorities mean I can not respond. Keep it coming.
Just one thing; even if you feel violently opposed to, or annoyed with what the other person is saying, let's keep things civil. We must keep the dialogue going, even with people who may be arch enemies. I always like to think that we are all seeking the same things for ourselves and our families, such as health, happiness and security, although we may have vastly differing opinions about what these actually are, and how they are achieved.
Of course, there are a few psychos around - crikey! - I used to work in an…
cheerio Mike......
good words thank you Gary.......we want you around for a loooooooong time....
Roberts you are too stupid to ber here. Go away back to your TV.
Gary - I’ve done my due diligence…I’ve read the science…I have surveyed the global landscape…I have observed the realities of what is actually happening…I have applied common-sense….everything you write is accurate….my only advice is people need to listen to you, and they need to do that quickly, otherwise they will pay the price at their own peril!
Well done for standing strong, Kia kaha.